Chapter Four

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~Thursday 10th January 2013~

Eden shouldn't have been there. He shouldn't have walked into that building that day, not for the reason he had. It wasn't right what he was doing. He wasn't supposed to be there. Why he even thought he could go through with it, he didn't know. Something had possessed him, telling him it was worth it when, truly, it wasn't. He had to go, quickly, before anyone saw him.

Glancing to his left and right, Eden took a deep breath, lowering his head and shoving his hands into his pockets. He made sure the pace he walked at remained neutral, he didn't want to draw attention to himself, didn't want to look like he was running away. He avoided others in the hallway, slipping around little groups, ignoring all conversation around him. He just had to make it to the service stairs then-

"Hello, angel," Eden stopped abruptly, biting down on his bottom lip, not daring to lift his head, "was I taking too long for your liking? I'm not late, am I? I do apologise," Eden tensed when Reivon tipped his head back, forcing their eyes to meet, "shall we retire to my office? The walls have ears out here, y'see," Eden nodded stiffly, following Reivon back to his office like a lost puppy at his heel, "please, have a seat," Reivon was acting awfully polite, although it didn't really make up for how he acted with every other sentence, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You know what," Eden murmured, staring down at his trembling hands in his lap, still afraid to look Reivon in the eye for too long. It wasn't like he could hypnotise him, but Eden had heard rumours of vampires being very skilled at persuasion. He didn't need that with the decision he was about to make.

"I'm a businessman first and foremost, angel, despite what my demeanour might tell you. If I am to truly consider your offer, we will do this the right way. You will look me in the eye when you speak to me and you will state what it is you desire," Malcolm had been lying once again, clearly, working with vampires was not at all easy. Drawing in a slow breath, Eden lifted his head, not surprised to see that wicked smirk on Reivon's lips.

"I just wanted to ask more about what you offered the other day," Reivon remained silent, cocking an eyebrow, urging Eden to continue, "about being a blood donor."

"Is this for money or pleasure?" Eden frowned slightly, unsure of why that question was necessary, "some of my workers enjoy being bitten, like a compulsion, I would need to be aware if you were one of those. They require special attention," Eden didn't like the way Reivon talked, the tone he used, it was far too... too sultry for a man who claimed he cared about business.

"Money," Eden didn't like how Reivon made him talk either, he sounded different, weaker almost.

"Noted," Reivon's smirk only increased, that mischievous look remaining in his eye, "I'm assuming you're not entirely familiar with blood donation," Eden shook his head briefly, "there are two types, bag and source, we'll begin with bag, since you're more likely pick that for your first few visits. It's pretty self-explanatory, you visit one of my facilities and donate blood there to be bagged. You can go as many times as you would like, and donate as much as you desire. Five hundred per litre."

"Do a lot of your workers pick that?" Eden forced himself to muster the courage to ask questions, he couldn't go into this blind.

"At first, yes, but a lot of them transition into source donation, it offers much more financially. A thousand per litre and the chance of being tipped."

"Tipped?" Eden was in way over his head, he should never have made this appointment.

"Yes, a lot of my workers are tipped for any extra services they provide," Reivon said with a low chuckle, "of course, that is entirely up to you whether you choose to provide anything extra," Eden chewed on his bottom lip, clasping his hands together in an attempt to stop them shaking, "it's all very safe, angel, I promise you. There is rarely any fatalities and, if there is any issues, the appropriate action is taken."

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