The bite

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Season 3
Chapter 7

"He said he was building something" I say quietly "that it was all for and eleven"
"Building he talking about the Flayed?" Max asks
"He must be"
"So,He's building an army, just like we though" lucas states
"Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread..."
"He's building it to stop y/n and Eleven"
"Last year, el closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off"
Mike says looking at Eleven
"Like, royally" lucas states
"And The Mind Flayer now knows that she's the only thing that can stop him. Along with y/n" Mike speaks again
"But if they're out of the way..."
"Game over"
"He also said he was gonna kill all of you" I say softly as tears leave my eyes once again, Max is quick to catch them before them even pass my nose fully
"Shhh, it's okay" she whispers in my ear before kissing my jawline gently
"Yeah,well, that's nice" she says when everyone inhales sharply and looks away from me
My head snaps in the direction of a screeching/ roaring noise "shit" I breath out as my breaths become shallow and I can't breath properly
"Y/n you need to calm down. It's okay. Shh. Hey, y/n. Look at me. Look at me y/n" Max says grabbing my cheeks and making me face her
"Do you guys hear that?"
"It's just the fireworks"
"Billy...when he told you this, it was here? In this room?"
I nod as I start to panic more
A loud crash can be heard from outside which makes me jump.
Max puts her lips on mine gently and I calm down almost instantly, melting into her touch. I kiss back and pull away when I'm fully calm "I'm okay" I say quietly before listing for any more noises
"He knows we're here" Will states which makes us all get up and run outside
We walk through he woods for a few seconds before the road comes into sight. We watch as the Mind Flayer comes into view before we turn around
Nancy goes to the shes our back to get a fun, Jonathan goes and grabs an axe while we stay inside and block the doors and windows as much as we can.
"Yeah that's good like that" Mike says to Eleven who's helping him
"That's perfect" I say once Max and I finished what we're doing "now over here" I say and then we start blocking another entry
"Hey, get away for the windows" Nancy says while throwing a pole at me. I catch it and swing it around a few times
"Thanks" I state while smiling at her
We stand around in a circle, our breathing becomes uneven and we start to pant. The ground starts to shake slightly and the electricity flickers. Things start to shake more and Max grabs the back of my flannel shirt tightly, pulling me closer to her. "It's okay baby girl. I've got you" I whisper before turning my face to kiss her lips "I love you so much. Remember that"
"I love you so much too" she whispers back "stalker" she pushes me lightly making me sigh happily, I'll miss this if something happens.
"It's close" Will states as we all breath loudly
Leaves rustle outside, dust falls from the roof and branches break from outside
"Is everyone ready?" I speak
"Yeah" nearly everyone speaks
Glasses fall of hanger making Max turn towards them "it's okay" I breath out
More glass falls making most of us jump
"Where'd it go?" Max asks when everything stops
All of a sudden the Mind Flayers arm is flying towards us. I tackle Max out of the way and onto the floor. We roll for a few seconds before we stop and put faces are inches apart. I smile but it falls when i realise the situation we are in. I get up quickly and run towards the arm, that's right in front of Elevens face and hit it with my pole making it turn towards me.
"Shit!" I whisper yell before it throws me into a cabinet making it break. I curse under my breath and lay on the floor while the long arm hovers over my body. That's until I hear gun shot and it goes towards Nancy. But stops centimetres in front of her face and shrieks in pain. I get up quickly with a curse and look over at Eleven who's controlling it. I was when she pulls it's head off with a single movement. The headless (idk what to call it y'all) arm retreats through the hole it made in the wall right beside Max making her yelp. I move quickly, ignoring the pain that's shooting up my back "holy shit" she speaks before I grab Max's arm and pull her to the ground knowing the Mind Flayers arm will most likely come through that hole again "are you okay?" I breath out
"I'm fine. But are you okay. You went flying"
"My back hurts like a bitch. But I'm fine, as long as you're okay"
She kisses me quickly before she gets off me. I get up quickly and look at Eleven who's dealing with two of the arms, that are barking and shrieking at her while they fight her force.  I grab the axe Jonathan was using and run towards the arms,Chopping one of the heads off clean, allowing it to fall to the ground while Eleven cuts the over one.
"Jesus" I whisper to myself as I watch the end of it crawl away. I watch the roof break and an arm come through, it's like everything's in slow motion as I watch it about to grab Eleven. I push her, making her fall to the ground, before the Mind Flayer can grab her. Instead it grabs me, by the foot. It lifts me into the air making me scream
"Y/n!" Max yells grabbing my hand before I leave the room.
I'm gonna die
Holy shit
I'm gonna die
I scream in pain as it's teeth (Sadie 😉) sink into the flesh of my leg. Nearly Everyone grabs onto me and try's to pull me back to the ground. Nothing working.
"Pull!" Mike hell's
"Y/n!" Max screams again. Tears filling her eyes
"Nancy, shoot it!" Jonathan yells. Many shoots at it making it lower me slightly
"Lucas! Come on! Blood Help!" Max yells at the boy making him grab something and stand on a chair before he hits it with what I'm guessing is the axe. The kids strain while I continue to cry out in pain.
"Pull!" Max yells
Before I'm getting flown onto the ground. I land on top of Max with such force that she falls over too
"Y/n! Y/n, oh my god, are you okay? Jesus Christ. I nearly lost you baby" she cry's before looking down at my leg. Mike runs towards me and pulls the arms head off my leg making me cry out in pain "Mike!" Max scolds before looking at my leg, her tears start to fall. I stand as I feel the blood flow down my pants and onto the floor. I watch at Eleven rips the monsters face into two. I start to wobble and I know my legs are about to give out from under me. Max is quick to catch me before I hit the ground
"Go,go,go!" Nancy yells
"Come on, come on! Go!" Jonathan yells
"Hurry up! Come on!"
"Everybody out!" Mike helps Max hold me up, carry me out the door and into the car. We get in and I sit in Max's lap as we drive off.

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