(cassian) How/ where you met

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"When you shoot your bows ladies, go for the place with the largest surface area like the midsection, or wings for example." You instructed. Devlon put you in charge of training the females in this hell hole, today was the third day of archery.

He specifically asked you to handle this leg of combat because that was how you earned your nickname; deadshot.

Despite grievances, your parents taught you how to be a warrior from as soon as you could walk, to be the best. You were amused at the level of hate the most prideful males here held for you.

It wasn't your fault they were compensating for something they lacked.

Devlon didn't want this at all and he was furious when he learned your parents trained you in secret right under his nose.

That was niether here nor there as the highlord and the inner circle were to come here very soon.

You thought they'd be here tomorrow, but they came in an hour of you learning of their arrival. You were pissy, especially since devlon grabbed you on your break.


"What douchebag? I'm busy."

"What?" He sneered. "Wallowing in your own self-hatred?"

"Hey. at least I have a life."

You spun to finally face him, opening your mouth to further the argument when you saw the night court leaders standing behind him. Their expressions may have been placid, but you could see the amused glint behind the masks. Especially from the general, Cassian was his name.

"You are training the females in this camp?"

"I already told you she is highlord."

"I believe he's asking me devlon." I snapped quietly. "I do."

"What are you working on at the moment?" The high lady questioned.

"Archery, my specialty."

"How are they handling it so far? Not going too rough I hope."

"Personally I like to cater to each individual's strengths and build their own unique training sessions that way." I explained.

"How would that work exactly?"

"Well I separate the children from the adults and then test each potential student and group them that way. I have three classes for children and three for adults."

"How do you structure the time for these teachings?" The general inquired seemingly Impressed.

"Each class lasts for three hours. Three classes a day each ranging from skill level and age depending on the day."

"Miss Y/n!"

You spun around to see your next batch of students running into the training room, all young girls ranging from seven to thirteen.

"Okay everyone please line up and I will hand out the bows, no one under any circumstances will touch the arrows without my permission!"

You turned back to the group of eager  awaiting dignitaries. "You are welcome to stay if you would like, but I must care for my students."

They ultimately stayed through the whole class, but you couldn't help but notice as you guided the kids, the general continually checked you out. It wasn't necessarily unwelcome.

"Miss Y/n?" One of the eight year olds, Amelia questioned tugging on your shirt lightly.

You crouched down to her level before speaking. "How can I help you Mia?" You smiled warmly.

"I've missed every shot on the target. Can you help me?"

"Of course."

Unbeknownst to you, Cassian was watching everything you were doing, observing whether or not you were fit to teach these girls, this was an impromptu examination.

This was just another day for you, the girls, whether children or adults, were always your first priority. "Okay, show me how you're aiming the bow."

The first flaw you noted was how the bow was way too big for her small hands to grasp properly. "Here's your first problem." You grinned taking the bow away. "This one isn't the right size for you. I'll go find you something smaller okay?"

When you couldn't find what you were looking for in the supply, you quickly spotted another girl also having the same problem so you gave her Mia's bow and borrowed hers, handing it to Mia. "Feels better right?"

"Yeah a lot better."

"One of the other issues you need to adjust is how you notch the arrow. Bring it in a bit tighter, like this."

You moved her hands and arms into the correct positions and told her to pull back but she hesitated. "What if it doesn't hit the target?"

"Then that's okay because it's practice, don't get overzealous it's only day three."

"How long did it take you to get so good?"

"Decades of hard work and constant practice. Remember I was once right where you are now, struggling to even shoot straight, but you have to trust in yourself."

Her hands began shaking so you guided them down to the floor. "Close your eyes Mia. Take a deep breath and forget about anything other than the bullseye in front of you."

You brought her hands back up. "Okay, let go."

The look on her face when she realized she had hit the outside edge of the target reminded you why you taught the females. "Thank you miss Y/n!"

"You're welcome. I'm so very proud of you, keep practicing."

Cassian and the inner circle watched you throughout the next week, ensuring you could be a leader.

Everything was fine, until a shot was fired into the training room that would've killed one of your students if you weren't there to take it to the arm.

"Son of a-"

The girls were winnowed out en masse as you yanked the arrow out of your body, using it to shoot the assailant right between the eyes.

But then the world began spinning and you were down before you even knew what hit you.


"Ow." You groaned, startling the general into conciousness.

"Hey easy Y/n, you have a pretty bad wound."

"What happened after I blacked out?"

"The arrow that struck you was laced with bloodbane, it was a bitch to flush out but you'll be fine."

"Stop being such a smartass Cassian or I swear."

"Swear what? You can't do much of anything to hurt me like that."

"How long did the healers say I'll be out for?"

"Two weeks." A blonde female you recognized as morrigan chirped from the doorway.

"Damn it."

"What? You scared you're gonna miss out on something while you're down?"

"Yeah. My classes." You snapped at the general a little harsher than intended.

His gaze softened at your response. "You really care for all your proteges don't you?"

"Well yeah, if I'm not going to teach them then who will?"

"I will." Cassian volunteered. "Just until you're better."


"He's great with kids, give him a chance. I'll take the adult classes." Mor agreed.

"So Y/n, do we have a deal?" He smirked.

Cocky bastard.

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