Seven || Pain

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~3rd Person~

"This...this is all because of you," 

Mason growled and Tristan quickly stepped back. He really meant no harm to the boy, following him out of pure curiosity as to why he came all that way to find him. 

But Tristan knew he would never have the answer to that question now with the blood-stained walls acusing his family of a crime he knew they could never commit. 

"Mason, no. I had nothing to do with it! You have to believe me!" Tristan tried to defend himself once more but it was too late. 

Mason made the first move as he shifted back into his werewolf form and attacked the shocked Tristan. Mason's wolf cried out for him to stop, but the human side screamed for revenge as Tristed yelped beneath his arms. Stuck in his human form, Mason prepared himself to slit his throat, just as his mother's had been, and deliver him to the Caspian's packhouse himself. 

Mason lifted his paw and Tristan cowered, unable to protect himself in this position, he excepted his fate as Mason's massive claws slashed down his face. 

Mason's wolf took over last second, changing the trajectory of his fatal blow to one a little less severe as the blue eye Alpha bow cowered. Unable to feel any anger towards Mason for a reason unknown to him.

He did, however, know the scar not only hurt his face but his heart as well. Almost as if someone was cutting the veins like they were strings and detaching it from his body. 

Mason's wolf gently licked the wound as if that would help, feeling overwhelming guilt as Tristan looked up like he could never forgive him. 

Letting go of their precious mate, Tristan shifted back to his beautiful midnight black wolf, looking back at Mason with confusion as to why he stopped attacking him. 

The blood from his face dripped from his gorgeous fur to the earth beneath them as Mason sat. Waiting for Tristan to leave before unleashing the true pissed off, Mason. 

Tristan quickly took the opportunity without a second thought, turning back only when he thought he had reached a safe distance to check on the poor lone alpha. 

"I'm sorry," Tristan whispered in his head before running back to his own pack. 


"Tristan! What happened to you!" 

Luna Marius screamed when Tristan returned to his onlooking pack, Alpha Jamie even paused what he was doing to meet his hurt son. 

"Gabriel! Get the pack doctor now!" Alpha Jamie yelled at his betta before putting his arm around Tristan's shoulders. 

"Who did this?" he asked as he gently eased Tristan onto the couch indoors. The pack doctor meeting them there to examine Tristan's wounds.

"There was a massacre at the house of Figuroa," Tris spoke with a calm demeanor. Not wanting to reveal the perpetrator of his wounds. Fearing it would eliminate any chance Mason would have of his pack helping him. 

"A massacre? Who died?" Luna Marius sat beside Tristan as the doctor worked to soothe Tristan's pain first with a cream. 

"Mason...I mean Alpha Mason's mother, father, and half his pack by the looks of it," Tris revealed, wincing slightly when the doctor touched one of his cuts.

"It looks like this one is much deeper than the rest, straight down to the bone it seems. I'm sorry Tris but it looks like this one will scar," The doctor warned and Tris closed his eyes for a moment. Only to snap them back open when he was unable to get the vision of Mason's parents out of his mind.

"Who did this? How do you know this?" Alpha Jamie asked and Tristan gulped under his father's suspicious gaze. 

"Alpha Mason was wondering in the woods behind our territory. It seemed like he was looking for his mate so I tried to help him but we were cut off when he felt something wrong. I followed him of course out of curiosity, and oh Alpha, the scene was horrific," Tristan sighed as he put in a few more details. 

"Oh the poor child just turned sixteen today. We have to help him, I'm sure he doesn't even know how to lead the pack with his mother and father so..." Marius lets out a long deep sigh and Alpha Jamie nodded as if he was thinking of what we could do next. 

"There was writing on the wall using his parent's blood. It seems as though a rogue wrote 'the Caspian's will rise?' do you know about that?" Tris asked his unresponsive adoptive father who only rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Of course," He grunted and Marius gasped.

"You don't," Marius gasped and Alpha Jamie nodded.

"It was Sheppard," He says while pacing pack and forth. 

The name alone left Tristan's numb as he thought to himself.


Not my brother. 

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