Twenty-Five || Why Don't You Love Me?

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"What are you doing?" 

Remy asks as I pick up the bottle of my favorite whiskey, one of the few things strong enough to actually get me drunk if I drink it fast enough. 

"Cleaning," I simply replied as I dropped it into the trash bin, denying myself of the strong craving to chug the bottle. That being the last one, I put the bin back down and brushed my hands on my jeans. 

"What's up?" I asked him and he looked at me like I suddenly grew four extra heads or something.

"I'm just impressed by how quickly he got to you, that's all," My Beta smirks and I roll my eyes. 

"Don't you have other places to be Remy?" I asked, hoping he would get out of my face or stop following me.

"Nah, it's raining outside and I don't like getting my fur wet. But I'll leave you two alone," He says and I lean against my desk, crossing my muscular arms.

"Your fur wet? But- Wait," I finally catch the last half of his sentence when his sweet sandalwood scent hits me and quickly look up to meet that beautiful emerald gaze. 

"Wow, two times in one day? Should we start a streak?" I ask Tristan as he catches his breath like he was running. I watched him as he came inside the crooked room and slowly closed the door behind him. Hiding his body in one of his oversized white sweaters in black skinny jeans with these nerdy looking glasses on. 

"Do you want me to go?" He asks and I know the second I'm locked onto that hypnotizing gaze that I was done for. I can't turn him away from me, not anymore. 

"Why are you here?" I asked, always interested to know if he was here because of me or something else. 

"Mason, I can't do this anymore," Tristan pouts as he leans against the wall opposite to me. So fucking far away that I felt like he was taking a step back in whatever this thing we have is. 

"Do what?" I ask, raising my brow as I nervously scratched my shoulder. My sweet Tris suddenly burst into tears as he trembles while pointing to me. 

"This. I want...well I want to know why you don't want me as your mate," He chokes out on his own tears and closes his eyes while clutching his heart. 

Pushing off the desk, I walk over to my torn mate and carefully pull him into my arms. His tears soaking through my shirt to my tanned shoulder while I slowly rub his back. Burying my head into his neck, I take in my mate's perfect scent and long for him in ways I never thought possible. 

"Why do you hate me?" He asks and for the second time today, the amount of pain he's under hits me hard and his depression beats into my chest. 

Taking a risk, I follow my instincts to comfort my sad mate as I kiss his wet cheek and nudge it with my nose. 

"Hey, come here," I growl in my deep husky voice that makes him blush as he tilts his head just enough for me to get a small look of his perfect pink lips. With my heart in my throat, I slowly tilt my own lips just enough to get a hold of his. 

The touch sends a rush of shocks through my lips and down my spine as I'm shot with sensitive tingles. After a single kiss, I'm hooked to him as I kiss him again and this time he picks his head up, kissing me back this time.

"Mmm, Mase?" Tris' tears are reduced to small sniffles and I stop, slowly pulling away from his handsome face of pure confusion while I wipe the tears from his flushed cheeks. 

I already missed the feel of his softest kiss even though he's not more than five inches away from me.

"I-" I kiss him again, slowly embracing that feeling of completeness that encompassed me as I held his body in my hands.

"Mason Figuroa," His hooded forest green gaze rimmed his lower lids with tears of a different kind as I kissed him and accepted him as my mate. 

"Accept y-"

Suddenly Tristan chokes on his own air like he can't breathe as he clutches his chest and pushes me away. A look of horror and shock painted on his face as he did so. I'm so shocked I stumble backward and he claps his hand over his mouth. 

"Noah," He whispers the name of another man, looking at me wide-eyed as if I had done something atrocious. 

"Who's Noah?" I asked him and he suddenly darted out of the room. 

"Tristan! Tristan!" I ran after him and he turned to me without warning, letting me slam into him as he gripped me in his arms and gave me one final quick kiss.

"I have to go, I'm sorry," He says without any background as he gets into his car. 

"Who's Noah!" I questioned him as he drove off in the pouring rain, leaving me stranded in the middle of the street. My heart still racing from our kiss, I could barely focus until I saw something silver shine in the dark. 

Looking towards the cause, I found one of my worst nightmares was about to come to life. 

Holding the barrel of the gun pointed at Tristan's car, my warrior Lidya pulled the trigger.

But not before I pulled the gun towards me, the loud bang flooding the streets causing to me drop to my knees. 

"ALPHA MASON! ALPHA NO!" Lidya screamed as I held my chest, feeling the rain mingle with the warm liquid running over my hands. 

"MASON!" I heard Beta Remy's voice coming down but felt so dizzy and weak as I fell sideways to the sidewalk. 

"Hold on Mason!" Remy called out to me but the street seemed a little bit darker than before and I'm so tired that I feel no pain. 

Closing my eyes and embracing the darkness once and for all. 


Oh shite

Don't forget to leave a comment if you like this book! 

I hope you love reading it as much as I love writing it! 

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