Thirty-Four || I Believe In Second Chances

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^Leave a 🙈 in the comments if you're from TSS and know who these twins are going to be^

 ~Tristan POV~

"Good afternoon Lunos Marius,"

I bow a sharp 90 degrees in respect to my adoptive parent as he turns towards me, plucking a single thorn from his fingertip after placing a rose in a small basket. Probably using it to decorate the family room for Christmas late. 

"Ah, afternoon Alpha Tristan. What a lovely surprise! You just missed little Kristan and Gaton. They're getting so big," He sighs as he speaks of his grandchildren and I nod. Never really caring about the lives of my adoptive siblings since they bullied me so much while growing up. 

I only had thirteen of them.

"I'm sure," I nod out of respect and he purses his lips, turning back to trimming the rose bush. 

"You're standing here like you have a question so ask away," He knows me well as I toy with the long sleeves of my traditional black Caspian garment which felt more like a uniform at this point. When I officially become alpha, do I get to do away with these damned things?

"I'm mated, to Alpha Mason and Noah Jackson," I tell him and he pauses what he's doing for a moment. Slowly shaking his head with a slight smirk coming to his lips. 

"I see now why the goddess wanted everything a certain way. Noah's mother is one of my cousin's and that man really is something else. Noah however," Luna Marius sighs as he sits back on his small stool and scratches his chin. 

"The boy has been through a lot in his short life, I'll say that. Alpha Mason is a different story entirely," He says and continues what he was doing.

"I wanted to ask about the logistics of our packs combining," I ask and for a second he looked like he was choking on his own air. 

"Now Tristan, you know I love helping helpless cases as much as the next person but combining our packs? That's just a pure cold-blooded murder waiting to happen between the rivals. How do you expect them to get together after years of killings and territorial wars?" Marius asks and I clear my throat.

"I want to end the war and bloodshed. His pack is starving after the mess his father left him with  Luna Marius. I have to do something...he's my mate," I comment only to get a loud snap from the rose branch disturbed me and I jumped. 

"And there can only be one alpha, what you are suggesting is impossible Tristan. We can't have two alpha's leading a pack. It will be a disaster." Marius adds, gently petting a single monarch butterfly that landed on his fingertip. 

"What if I step down as alpha?" I ask and he stops what he's doing entirely. 

"If you want to lose the respect of every wolf in this pack, be my guest," He warns but he didn't forbid me. Not like he could considering I would be crowned as the reigning alpha next month when my father retires from the position. 

"I had another question," I clear my throat as I prepare myself for what his answer to this question could be. 

"Just one more Alpha Tristan, I have my real children to tend to," He says out of pure spite. 

Was it my fault none of his children were born alphas? Did I ask to be an alpha? 

"Why was I never assigned a beta? Shouldn't every alpha have a beta assigned to them from their pack? Alpha Jamie has one and so does Alpha Mason," I mention and he hums slightly, standing up and placing his hands on his hips. 

"Of course you have one, he's right beside you," Marius says and I'm stupid enough to actually look next to me as if my beta would appear out of thin air.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused by the statement but he only smirks. 

"It appears to me that one of your mates has been lying to you, now if you would excuse me," Marius ends our conversation and heads back into the packhouse without another word.

Tucking my hands in the pockets of my garment, I persued the lawns of the Caspian packhouse. A mansion containing all fifty-seven of my pack members, including the fifteen littles running around the place. 

At the playground, a set of twins played together as they seesawed up and down, giggling and laughing as they did so before one of them nearly fell off the edge. The little boy gasped as I caught him in mid-air and pouted his lip in fear. 

"T-T-Thank you Alpha," He tried to bow his head but couldn't from his position and I ruffled his fluffy black hair a little bit.

"It's okay little one, just be more careful okay?" I ask and he nods with a wide grin. Backing up from the small children, I let them continue their unwatched play and kicked a bit of the dirt under my sandal. 

I wonder if I'll ever become a parent? Would I even be a good parent at all considering I had none? What if my mates don't even like children?

However, these thoughts are more of a future Tristan's problem since I have other things to focus on. 


Mason screamed through our link and I instantly took off running. 



The traditional pack uniform Tristan must wear when on the pack grounds. Colored for the different ranks among the pack. Black for alpha, light purple for luna, dark purple for lunos, red with gold trim for the beta, just red for the warriors, baby blue for omegas, yellow for children under sixteen and gray for the regular members. 

No need to remember that, just a fun fact for a later chapter

No need to remember that, just a fun fact for a later chapter

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