Chapter 2

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We all apparate into a huge yard and in front of me is a giant manor.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful..." I whispered in awe.

"You haven't even been inside!" Blaise exclaimed before dragging me inside.

He was right to say that too. It's absolutely gorgeous! I already knew I was going to get lost.

"So what's my real name?" I asked Blaise.

"Lyra Corona Zabini. I'm gonna call you Ly though," he said with a smile.

"Fine with me," I said as we walked into the house.

He gave me a tour of the first floor and it's amazing. All of the rooms are huge! There are three living rooms, a giant kitchen, a dining room, a full out ballroom, a music room, and even a screening room.

"When my friends are over you can usually find us in here," Blaise said as he brought me into the screening room.

"Do you think they'll like me?" I asked.

"Of course they will. Once they find out who you are they will apologize right away," he replied before walking us out from the screening room.

We walked down various hallways and he showed me some other unimportant rooms before taking me to a large door. He opened the door and I gasped in shock as I walked in.

It was a ceiling to floor, all four walls, filled library. It was absolutely beautiful. There was a fireplace with multiple seating areas in front of it.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"I thought you would like it," he said with a smile.

I went around the room for a little while to just look at some of the books they had and then headed back over to him, "How about we go to my room next?"

He smiled, "Sure thing twinnie."

We both walked out of the library and we walked up the big staircase. As we walked down a hall I saw some doors with initials on them.





"Are those the other's rooms?" I asked.

"Yep. They spend the night a lot. So Mom and Dad just assigned rooms to them. By the way, they will all be coming over tonight to meet you." he replied.

I smiled, "Great."

We eventually got to a door with my initials on it.

Blaise gestured me to go in and I opened the door.

The walls were painted a grey tone that wasn't too light or too dark. There was a king-sized bed with green and silver bedding. There was a fireplace with seating areas around it but what I loved the most was that there was a small section of the wall that was a built-in empty bookshelf. I could see a small plaque on it and I walked over and read it.

Lyra's favorite books

"This is the best room ever!" I exclaimed.

He smiled, "Don't worry I told our parents that you were in Gryffindor. That was just the only bedding we had. We can go shopping later."

"You know I'm kind of ok with the Slytherin bedding. I've never really felt part of Gryffindor. Ravenclaw? Sure. But Gryffindor? Not so much. Honestly maybe part of the glamour charm was making it so I wasn't put in Slytherin. Cause right now I feel like I could be there." I replied.

He smirked, "I know."

"What do you mean you know?" I asked.

"I know you should've been in Slytherin. That is part of the glamour charm. To make sure you would be as far away as Voldy as you could. Even if we aren't as house specific as the Malfoy's, all Zabini's are Slytherins. I know you could be a Slytherin. You did set fire to Snape's robes in the first year." he said with a laugh.

I laughed, "Guess I have been in the wrong house."

"But Gryffindor has done well for you. You are a great person and Slytherin wouldn't have made you like that." 

I nodded and started to unpack. When I was done I crouched down to put my trunk under my bed but I felt a small bump under the rug.

"Hey, Blaise I think there may be something under there..." I said as I pulled up the rug.

I was right. There was a trap door. I opened it and I climbed down with Blaise right behind me. When I got to the bottom of the ladder I jumped down and I was able to find a light switch. I flicked it on and I realized we were in the ultimate hangout room.

There was a huge screen on one wall with a magic projector on a shelf on the opposite wall. There were multiple beds and chairs and couches and there was even a door to get out to the pool.

"So that's what that door leads to!" Blaise exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I have always wondered what that door from the pool leads to since I haven't been allowed in here. Man, you are so lucky! I don't have a secret hangout spot!"

I laughed and went back over to the ladder, "C'mon twinnie let's get back upstairs. I'm sure your friends are going to be here soon."

He nodded and the two of us climbed back up and headed out of my room.

We headed downstairs and we could hear people talking in the living room. We both walked into the living room and I realized I didn't look like Hermione Granger. I looked like Lyra Zabini. This will definitely be interesting.

As we walked in the four people looked my way.

"Bloody hell, Blaise who is that?!" Theo exclaimed.

Blaise laughed, "She's the reason why you are all here."

"Ok and?" Theo asked.

Blaise looked over at me and I was holding in a laugh.

"This is my twin sister. Lyra Corona Zabini. We had to give her to another family because of Voldy." he announced.

"She had a glamour charm, right? Who was she before?" Malfoy asked.

I smirked, walked over to him, and punched him right in the nose.

"HERMIONE BLOODY GRANGER?!" he yelled as he stood back up.

I laughed and turned around and headed back over to Blaise. He just rolled his eyes at me and looked back at Malfoy, "Yes Draco. She used to be Hermione Granger."

"Oh my god, we are so sorry!" Pansy and Astoria exclaimed as they came over to me.

I smiled, "It's ok. I forgive all of you. Blaise told me about being spies. You did what you had to do."

The two girls pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. Theo came over and gave me a hug also.

When I came out of the hug I looked over at Malfoy, "Sorry about punching you. Twice."

He smirked, "It's alright. I deserved it."

"Hell yeah, you did," Blaise said.

I smacked Blaise in the stomach and then sat down. This was going to be an interesting evening.

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