Chapter 15

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It's the next morning and I don't hear squealing downstairs. I don't hear mom being shouted throughout the whole floor. I hear silence. And I feel tears running down my face. I had gotten so used to having them around, but I guess they had to leave eventually.

I had packed up last night so I just had my outfit for today laid out. The break was almost a month long. It went from today, December twenty-first, to January twentieth. It's the longest it has ever been but McGonagall wants us to be with our families.

I changed into some black jeans and a white sweater. I put on a grey scarf and but on some boots. I packed the clothes I changed out of the back into my trunk and then headed downstairs.

When I got down I saw everyone just standing by the door, silent. I gave everyone a hug and we left our common room. We headed out and said goodbye to our favorite professors before jumping into a carriage and going to the express.

When we got to the express we met Pansy, Astoria, and Theo all in a compartment. Pansy told us that she and Manuel got in an argument so they are just staying away from each other during the break. I nodded and I understood, Pansy doesn't need anyone. I was surprised when she found someone who was her soulmate. I think if Pansy adopted it would be way better, and I think she thinks so too...

"We found this letter when we came in. It is addressed to all of us so someone knew this was going to be the compartment we were going to stay in." Pansy said as she handed me the envelope.

I looked at it closely and I couldn't find who it was from. I opened it and pulled out the piece of paper that was inside, I then read it aloud.

"Hello, children,

We are writing to inform you that you will not be staying at the manors during the break. Instead, you will be going on a trip. We will not tell you where yet, but we will tell you that you will be gone for four weeks in total and that you will be leaving early tomorrow morning.

You will know more once you get to your respected manors, we will be in Hogsmeade when you arrive."

All of our parents signed at the bottom and I looked up at everyone. They all had shocked expressions.

"Four weeks?! Are we leaving today?!" Theo exclaimed.

"We're probably leaving tomorrow. And then two days before we have to come back, we will leave. We will have two days in between at the beginning and end." I replied as I thought about the dates.

"Where are we even going?" Astoria asked.

"No clue. What I read is all that was written." I replied.

I leaned myself against the window and crossed my legs on the bench. Draco laid his head in my lap while I started to read Hogwarts: a History. 

We all were pretty much silent for the rest of the train ride. We were all tired, we took care of kids for so long, and now we can sleep. So we did.

When we were five minutes from the platfrom I woke Draco up and put my book back in my bag. He sat up and leaned his head back against the wall. I laughed at how tired he actually was and watched out the window until we finally reached the platform.

When the train stopped we all left the compartment and grabbed our trunks. I used magic to carry mine out and we eventually exited the train. When we got onto the platform we all said goodbye to each other and then apparated home.

When I got to my room I saw a few pieces of paper on my bed. I placed my trunk on the floor and I read the papers.

"Hello, Lyra,

The paper to the side is what you will need to pack. Please make sure you have absolutely everything. But, you will still be able to get some things from stores in your location. You may also go to the store today to get anything else you need.

Love, Mom and Dad."

I smiled and picked up the list. It was so long, but then I remembered that we were gone for four weeks, and then I relaxed.

Let's look at the list, shall we?

Clothing (Fourteen of each)

-Short sleeve shirts (Four Disney if possible)

Sweaters (Again, four Disney if possible)






-Dress and/or nice shirt and skirt for nice meals out


-Two pairs of good walking shoes


-Flip flops

-Heels and/or nice flats

-Any necessary toiletries

-Makeup if wanted

-Hair supplies

-Any other travel necessities

As well as anything else you might need during the next four weeks. You can pack three suitcases and one large backpack. When you are done packing we should be home.

I emptied out my trunk and I started grabbing everything I need. And some things I may not need. 

It took me hours! I realized that we mostly had stuff for hot and sunny weather. I was confused but I continued to pack and I was able to make one suitcase almost empty, which was good because I knew I was most likely going to buy souvenirs.

When I was done I put all of my bags by my bedroom door and then headed downstairs. When I walked into the living room I saw Blaise sitting and flipping through tv channels.

"So do you have an idea where we are going?" Blaise asked.

"I have some ideas, but I'm not going to spoil it in case I'm right," I replied as I sat down next to him.

He just scoffed and finally chose a channel. We watched about twenty minutes of the show before mom and dad apparated in. I got up and gave them huge hugs before pulling apart.

"Since we won't be here for Christmas, I'm going to go and get you some gifts. I should be back in an hour." I said before waving goodbye and apparating out.

I walked around Hogsmeade for a while until I found some perfect gifts. At least I thought they were perfect. For the mothers, I got them a necklace with their birthstone, their husbands, and their kids. I got the father's black leather wallet as well as a matching watch. I grabbed some wrapping supplies and paid before apparating out of Hogsmeade and back home.

I apparated into my room and I wrapped all the gifts. My parents told us that we were all meeting here before we all left, so that's when I will give the gifts.

The Zabini Twinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें