Chapter 5

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How did I expect this? Ron left and doesn't except me, Harry doesn't want to say anything but I know he doesn't like it, and Ginny is the only acceptable one.

"Hey Gin? Wanna go to my manor and spend the night?" I asked after Harry left to follow Ron.

She smiled, "Yeah, let's go now."

We both apparated out of the restaurant and into my secret hangout room.

"Wow..." Ginny whispered as she looked around.

I smiled and turned on the rest of the lights. As I did I saw Draco and Blaise doing an arm wrestle on one of the beds.


They both broke apart and jumped up to face me. Their eyes were wide and they were frozen. Ginny was next to me holding her side from laughing so hard.

"What's Weaselette doing here?" Malfoy asked.

"Oh shut it, Malfoy. She's here because she's the only Gryffindor friend I have left. Weasel freaked out and I could tell he hated me, and Harry didn't like it either. Ginny is the only acceptable one. Now get out of my room or shut up."

He smirked, "Man, I like the new Granger. Well, Zabini."

I smirked and went over to a couch and started to play a movie.

"If they don't accept you then that's their fault. You have me, Malfoy, and the other three." Blaise said as he fell onto the couch next to me.

I sighed and put on something random, "Still, they should be accepting of me."

Ginny sat down on the other side of me and rested her head on my shoulder, "I wish I wasn't a Weasley. But I've seen my birth photos so there is no doubt about it that I'm a Weasley."

I laughed a little and watched the movie. I just sat there then looked back to look for Malfoy.

He was sitting on one of the beds with his phone out. He was wearing popular muggle clothing and it made me laugh a little.

"Something funny, Zabini?"

"You're wearing clothing that is popular for muggles," I replied as I got up.

He was wearing some jeans and a white shirt. It was pretty simple, but it looked good on him.

"Well muggles have good taste." he shrugged.

I sat down on another one of the beds and then watched the movie while sitting in it.

We were in there for hours. Draco is staying for about a week so that's great. Ginny is staying until Sunday, and she is super excited about helping me get ready for the ball.

We all relax and eventually fall asleep.


It's Saturday morning and I have just finished making my bed so I climb up the ladder to go and change.

I change into a light brown sweater, some black jeans, and I place a few rings on my fingers. I have a full drawer set filled with jewelry specifically for my everyday wear. The jewelry in the other room is all heirlooms.

I went back down the ladder and I saw Ginny was up. I told her that her stuff was sent here and I told her that when she went up the ladder and left my room, she would see a door with her initials on it right across the hall.

She thanked me and I sat down on the couch and listened to some music.

I need to have somewhat of a calm morning if I'm being introduced to the Wizarding World. My parents invited everyone.

After about an hour of me playing a few games, I then got up from the couch. I took my earbuds out and I put them back in my pocket. I put my phone at full volume and played multiple alarm sounds. 

Blaise and Draco both jumped up and held their ears and I just laughed. I turned my phone volume down. They both stomped over to me and glared.

"Lyra Corona Zabini!" Blaise exclaimed.

I smirked, "Yes my dear, twinnie?"

"You. Are. Dead!" he exclaimed before pouncing at me.

I dodged him easily and watched him fall to the floor, "I don't think so, Blaise. You see, Mom and Dad won't want me dead when I'm introduced to the Wizarding World."

He groaned and got back up, I looked back at Malfoy and he had a smirk on his face.

"What, Malfoy?" I asked.

"I just love your transformation. I can see the Slytherin part of you slowly coming out," he replied.

I smiled and messed with his hair a little bit, "Go get cleaned up you both look like a mess."

They both groaned but they went up the ladder.

I smiled and eventually went upstairs also. I headed into the kitchen and made myself some food before sitting in the dining room. House-elves constantly asked me if I needed anything and every time I politely declined.

Once I was done I placed my dishes into the sink and then headed into the ballroom.

Decorations were already being put up and it looks amazing. There were plenty of eating places and I loved it. Mom came walking over to me and pulled me out.

"Lyra I need to tell you something that I forgot about until now," she said with a blank expression.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You will be announced into the ball with Draco. You will be coming down the grand staircase in the ballroom and Draco will be the one who shows you how to get there. Since the ball starts at seven, and you are being announced at seven forty-five, he will be arriving at your bedroom door at seven twenty-five."

I nodded and smiled. That's not as bad as I thought it would be, "May I be excused?" 

She nodded, "Yes, but I will be coming to get you ready at four."

I nodded and walked off to my room.

I apparated to where I guessed Ginny was which was the hideout room and I was right. I walked over to her and sat down next to her, "C' mon we need to make sure you have a dress."

"But I already know I have a dress!" she exclaimed.

"Well, I don't! Plus I wanna see it!" I exclaimed back with a smile.

She smiled and shook her head before getting up and heading up the ladder. I followed her and she went to go get her dress.

Ginny changed into her dress and came back into my room. It was gorgeous. It was a lavender color and it was pretty long. I smiled and used my wand to change her back into her normal clothes.

"Thanks," she said.

I nodded and we just hung out for hours.

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