Chapter 12

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It's Monday afternoon and we are all heading to Transfiguration with McGonagall. Once we enter, we go to our seats and wait for class to start.

"I'm afraid I have some news that may be difficult for some of you to understand. A new law has been formed. Everyone that is seventeen to twenty-one years old must get married to their soulmate and has a child within three years. Today you will be making and taking a potion that tells you who your soulmate is. You will find out tomorrow morning." McGonagall said with a black expression.

I quickly raised my hand and she let me speak, "Professor they aren't seriously making us get married are they? We just fought in a war! I get that we lost many people but that does not mean students have to marry and have children. Sure, we may be of age, but we are still kids!"

She nodded slowly, "I know, Ms. Zabini. But the law was already passed. I'm sorry for all of you."

I sighed and started working on the potion with Ginny. It was pretty difficult, but once the base was done we waved McGonagall over and she said it was good.

"Separate it into two and then put a drop of your blood in your vile. Once it turns into a navy blue tone, it will be ready to take." 

I nodded and pricked my finger and let a drop fall into the vile. I watched as the bottle turned navy blue and I drank the whole thing.

It didn't really taste like anything. It kind of just tasted sour. I cleaned out the vile and the cauldron and read the book I most recently got from the library.

After about fifteen minutes a few other people have finished and taken the potion and I heard a voice in my head.

Do you think Ginny is my soulmate?

Of course, she is. Everyone can tell.

Well maybe everyone can tell with you and Draco but nobody seems to for me and Gin.

Blaise. Twinnie. I promise you are each other's soulmate.

I heard him sigh behind me and I rolled my eyes. I continued reading my book and soon enough, we were dismissed to go to our last class.


It's the next morning and I have just woken up to a loud squeal. I got out of bed and ran into the room where it came from and looked at Ginny. She was standing in the middle of her room staring intently at her wrist.

"Gin? What is it?" I asked.

"I have a tattoo!" she exclaimed.

I walked over to her and saw a small word tattooed onto her wrist. It spelled out Blinny. And it was silver and gold.

"Looks like we know who your soulmate is. And I'm pretty sure that's permanent."

"Blaise is my soulmate. Oh my god, Lyra! We're going to be sisters!" she exclaimed before pulling me into a hug.

I laughed and hugged back, "Gin I need to see where my tattoo is."

She laughed and pulled away. I looked down at my own wrists and saw a silver snake around an emerald green heart. I smiled at it since I thought it was amazing.

"C' mon let's go see the boys!" Ginny exclaimed.

I smiled and shook my head. We both walked out of her room and headed into the massive common room.

Blaise ran over to Ginny and pulled her into a hug while I walked over to Draco and gave him a quick hug.

"Well where's the tattoo?" he asked with a smirk.

I smiled and pulled my sleeve up, revealing the tattoo on it.

He smiled and pulled his sleeve up also, revealing the same tattoo.

I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. I have no idea what I would've done if he wasn't my soulmate. Imagine it being Ronald! I cringe at even the thought!

"C' mon class if starting soon," Blaise said as he walked over with Ginny.

I nodded and the four of us headed to potions.

Once class started Slughorn had us sit with our soulmates. I realized people were in different spots, and that some students were exchanged with different ones. I saw Ron sitting next to Lavender and Harry sitting next to someone I didn't know. Her robes had a Ravenclaw patch on them, so that kind of explained why.

"Today we will be making a potion that is involved with the new law. It will make it so tomorrow you will each have children. It is customized by what McGonagall thinks you can handle. So that decides how many children you have, and how old they are. They will have memories as if you are their real parents. So don't tell them otherwise. Now, make the potion and then give it to me."

Draco and I started with our potion and read it very carefully. We continued to add things and mix the potion more and more until we reached the last step.

"Add one drop of blood from each parent. Stir once and put it in a vile. It should be a red tone."

We each pricked our fingers and added our blood to the potion. I stirred it once and it turned into a red color. Draco got out a vile and I carefully poured it in and gave it to Slughorn. He thanked me and I headed back over to Draco.

Somehow, we got to the topic of names.

"I think Jane for a girl and Scorpious for a boy," I said.

"I was thinking Caitlin for a girl," Draco replied.

"I like it. But what if we have two boys?" I asked.

"How about Leo?"

I thought about it for a second, "Leo Malfoy. Doesn't sound that bad."

He smiled, "So if we have two girls, it will be Jane and Caitlin. Two boys and it will be Scorpious and Leo. If we have both then we will decide which ones we will use."

I nodded and soon enough Slughorn dismissed us. We went back to the others and we all walked to our next class.

As we were walking down the hall I was talking to Draco when someone ran into me. I looked down and saw Acacia on the floor. I held out my hand and helped her up.

"Why were you running?" I asked.

"It gets me places quicker," she replied before running away.

I sighed and continued to our next class.

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