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It's eighteen years and my three children are all climbing onto the Hogwarts express.

There's Scorpious Hyperion Malfoy. He looks exactly like Draco but with some accents of my brunette hair. He behaves similar to his father, but more like how he was after the war when I had learned my true self. He's in his sixth year and in Slytherin. He plays seeker on the quidditch team just like his father. I swear the child is a replica of Draco.

Then there's Caitlin Rose Malfoy. She also looks very similar to Draco but with the same brunette accents. She behaves like Scorpious which isn't very surprising. She is also in Slytherin and she is a chaser. She looks up to her aunt Ginny so I'm not surprised. She's in her sixth year as well. Her and Scorpious are twins.

And lastly, there is Jane Hermione Malfoy. Draco named her that, I didn't have any say. He said he wanted her to be named after my old self, as if in memory. Like Hermione Granger was my long lost sister. Anyways, she looks more like myself, with the tanned skin and darker hair. But you know she's Draco's because of the grey eyes. She's in Slytherin as well and she's in her third year. She acts like my older self when I focus on my grades but she knows how to have fun still. She doesn't lock herself in the library but she has always found time to read her favorite book at the moment.

They all wave goodbye to Draco and me and I still can hardly believe it. And I can't believe my friends also had kids. Well, not really because of the law, but the fact that they had the same genders as the potion in the eighth year is amazing.

Blaise and Ginny had a son named Alex. He's in Scorp and Cait's year and in Slytherin. He's another chaser on the team.

Astoria and Theo had a daughter and named her Daphne once again. She's in the same year as Jane and in the same house.

And lastly, Pansy adopted a daughter and son, instead of having one kid. There is Jacob who is in the same year and house as Jane. And there is Addilyn, who is in the same year as the twins.

I love them all so much and I think of them all like my kids and my nieces and nephews. And it's not only because one of them is my nephew. I do care about them all so much and I can't believe they are all here.

The express blares its horn on the last time before it starts to move. The first years are leaning out the windows waving goodbye to their parents and I can remember when each of the kids did that. 

And I can remember when I did that. 

I remember looking for Trever with Neville. I remember fixing Potter's glasses. I remember Weasel and Potter saving me from the troll. I remember everything the Golden Trio went through in only seven years. 

And even though they left me, that doesn't mean I'm going to forget everything they did for me. Because if it wasn't for them, I might not have made it. I might not have become so close to Ginny. I might not have had the same experiences as I already have. If I died too early, I never would've known I was a Zabini. I may have never known Draco and the other Slytherins for who they are, but as the stereotypes, I labeled them as.

I am thankful for knowing the two boys. They gave me my life. And if I didn't have my life, I wouldn't have my family. If I didn't have my family I wouldn't have my friends. If I didn't have my friends I wouldn't have my soulmate. If I didn't have my soulmate I wouldn't have my family. And if I didn't have my family, then I would have nothing.

Hermione Granger. Know it all. Gryffindor princess. Muggleborn. Mudblood. The brains of the golden trio. Goody two shoes. 

That's who I used to be.

Lyra Corona Malfoy. The secret Zabini twin. The brightest witch of my age. Slytherin queen. Pureblood. Blood acceptor. The person who no one suspected. The one who had their life changed overnight.

That's who I am now.

That's who I always will be.

And if someone doesn't understand that, I have plenty of ways to make them understand. The beginning of my life was an act. But once I was of age, I knew who I am. And I never went back. I never wanted to. 

I'm proud of myself. 

I'm proud of my life. 

I'm proud of my friends. 

I'm proud of my family.

No one can take my pride away. And no one can take my children's pride away. They know how strong they are. They know they will have enemies. But that's part of life. Not everyone likes you. Not everyone loves you. But there are people who do, and they are all that matter.

I hope everyone who reads this knows that. The people who care are the only important ones. Be careful who you care for, they might split on you, just like Potter and Weasel. You are important. You are loved. You don't need the haters, they need you. They need you to boost their confidence. Don't let them. Ignore them and let them learn how to value themselves the hard way.

Be who you are. Not who people say you are. Don't go by labels. Go by knowing, someone.

Who knows, maybe you will change the world as I did.

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