Chapter 5

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   "I would definitely tap that," Paul snickers, pointing to the girl on the television. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him – well, tried to. He caught it when it was mere inches from his smirking face.

"Please, that girl would be begging me to—"

"Shut the hell up idiots! You two have no chance in getting the girl considering the fact that you guys are, well, you." They both held a hand to their chests as if I hurt them.

"Oh believe me, they can't handle this," Derrick sighed while gesturing to himself. I bit my lip to stop from laughing. On the inside I was dying.

"I'm gonna get something to drink. Want anything?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen. Bruce got up from his position at my feet and followed me.

"Yeah, and does that dog always have to follow you?" I clenched my teeth and glared at Paul. I always have a low temper when it came to them insulting my Bruce. Some call me weird, others not so pretty names. But I don't care. I live in an amazing place.

In a secret and mysterious town located in California, just a little ways from the beach, is known to have werewolves. Some believe while others don't. People talk about my strange relationship with Bruce, but only for the fact that they don't understand the connection I have with him. Every waking and sleeping moment, Bruce and I are together without a care in the world.

And my brother was practically making fun of us. A sudden thought came to me and I couldn't help the evil smile that broke across my face. Instead of giving back a rude remark, I just tossed him his drink and sat as far away from him as I could get in the living room.

"Thanks," Paul muttered and opened the Coke with a grin of new found victory. His expression was priceless when he opened his drink and it exploded all over him.

"Holy shit, that was awesome! You should see your face, bro!" Derrick managed to say between roars of laughter. He held up his fist for approval which I gladly bumped.

"Don't mind me, but if I were you I would start running because you're gonna taste the rainbow once I'm done with you," Paul snarled playfully.

I couldn't respond. I was on the floor laughing so hard, tears were sliding down my face.

"Piss off . . . the rainbow . . . now you goin'. . . feel the rainbow," Derrick bellowed and that just drove Paul over the edge. In less than a second we're fighting on the floor tumbling over each other like wild animals.

It felt good to spend some time with my brothers'. The party four nights ago may have left a big impact on me, but that didn't stop me from having fun, no matter how much Is suffering. I didn't want to leave today, but I knew I had to.

"So where's Alex?" I asked once everybody's calmed down. I lean back into Bruce's side as I popped popcorn in my mouth.

Before they could answer we were cut off by the noise of a woman's laugh. The room seemed to have dropped in temperature because I swear I could see my breath in front of me.

"Why is your son in the chambers, babe?" The chambers is an underground dungeon that holds all the enemy werewolves when captured.

"Shh, my kids don't know." That voice sent a shiver of fear down my spine. It was the voice that tormented me while growing up.

Walter and a small woman stumbled into the hall while grinding on each other. I could feel my brothers' gazes on me but I wasn't paying attention to them. I was struggling to control the surprisingly massive rage that was boiling deep within me.

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