Chapter 13

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    Grief. Loss. Respect. Memories. Sadness. Hurt. Pain. Love. Anger. Rage. Hate.

All those feelings and memories came clashing down on me with such force I lost control. I never wanted my pack and those I loved to see what I was about to do, because they would never look at me the same.

But when you witness both of your parents get murdered right in front of your eyes, when you see all the life they held slip away, and you know – you know that you couldn't do anything to help them, can change you. I know this because it changed me.

My body stood motionless. Blood dripping down my fingers – my father's blood. I had cried for my fallen father, and I never cry. The last time I really cried, with all the tears and heart breaking sobs, was two years ago when Damon rejected me.

I stared straight ahead at my reflection from the bar's mirror.

I was changing.

My once beautiful green – if looked at closer could see blue specks – eyes lost the light they had just a moment ago, as my once beautiful reddish golden-brown hair, rippling around my face, was turning pitch black, blacker than night and Darkness itself. As my hair changed into its new look, so did my eyes, they were now the same color as my hair. My skin turned pale white and ice cold.

Around me the creatures that took everything from me were now standing still as they took in my transformation. After their shock passed, they rushed forward to take the rest of my family away.

"No!" It came out as a scream. Feeling power course through my body, I used it to put up a force field around them to protect my family and it did just that. The enemies were thrown back when they got too close to my father's pack and my pack.

With ease, I began running forward, freeing them of their restraints with my extended claws, cutting through the chains easily. But they were unable to fight, were beaten to the point were they couldn't even defend those they loved without fainting. That didn't mean they allowed their weaknesses to control them, though. They drag themselves over to their mates and children.

And that only added fuel to the fire raging within.

"Bruce!" As the word left my lips, Bruce came crashing through the window, causing shards of glass to fly everywhere. "Kill them all," I spoke gently, and full of power.

As he went to follow my order, I focused my attention back to the people laying on the floor. Alex crawled over to Stacy's limp body and cradled her in his arms. I walked over to them and gently brushed Alex's hands away. Bending down, I listened to both the mother and unborn child's heart beat.

"They will be fine." I gave a reassuring smile. "But if I were you I wouldn't watch what I'm about to do. It's going to get bloody."

I grabbed a hold of my dress and ripped it off. Since the dress was big enough I put on my fighting clothes underneath. All I had to do was pull on the hoodie, and everything was where it was supposed to be.

Black. Everything I had on was black; the leather shirt and pants that were skin-tight. The color covered my entire body. Pulling the hoodie over my face, I grab the nearest killer next to me and tore off her head. I swept through the crowd like was it nothing. And it wasn't. Any and every thing that got in my way was killed by my hands and wiped off the face of the earth.

I've never felt this kind of power before; it was slowly taking over. But I had always known that there was a dark side of me waiting to get loose. But not like this. I was actually enjoying taking away every life that dared got in my way and dared harm the family I love.

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