Chapter 6

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    It's been one week since Bruce and I left. To tell you the truth, the time we have spent away from home was loved in every moment of our freedom. On the night we decided to leave the pack and stepped into the forest, I was no longer able to read any thoughts in the White Shadow pack in wolf form; the only form werewolves are able to communicate in.

When the tie broke between my pack and I, it felt like I lost something precious. That all vanished as I realized I don't need anyone other then Bruce to stand by my side. Our bond had only grown throughout the days and it has been bliss.

To my utter shock we were able to speak to each other while I was either sleeping or a wolf. It amazed me how far our bond stretched. I am grateful to have someone like Bruce to depend on.

Speaking of Bruce, he is currently out hunting us some dinner while I'm doing nothing but taking a stroll to the lake. Much to my dislike he forced me to stay behind for my own protection. I rolled my eyes at his obvious protectiveness over me. He was more of a father than my own, if that makes any sense. Maybe it's just the fact that Bruce was around more, or the fact that he taught me more things than Walter ever did. Then there was also Alex who taught my brothers' and I all the important things. He was our father figure for most of our lives.

When Helen died, Walter died with her. 

It made my chest clench with grief to think about my family. At least how it used to be. 

My reflection shone back at me as I look down at the water, revealing myself as a wolf. I'm better looking as a wolf then a human to my embarrassment. My eyes and fur are pure white, which is a rare trait for werewolves considering that their fur usually matched something of their humans. I was a mess; my fur tangled and my eyes dead. The nightmares haven't gone away so that's probably why my eyes are so hollow. It's always the same thing each night. Me waking up either screaming or crying.

Sighing in frustration I turned back to my old human self with disappointment. I could never really appreciate myself in any form; neither human or wolf.

My thoughts were interrupted as I hear a faint cry from behind me. It sounded like a little girl, but I wasn't sure. I stood ever so slowly as my eyes scanned the woods for the source of the noise.

With a heart beating rapidly, I was surprised it didn't burst out of my chest already. I had no idea what to do. Bruce wasn't here, he was out killing some animal, and I was all alone. In situations like this I could only plead to my ancestors that I didn't get involved in something bad. Mentally screaming in my head to go and check it out, I realized my body was frozen with fear.

I hear the cry again. It was a chilling scream. That scream broke me out of my trance and made me take action. Without a thought I took off in the direction where the screaming was coming from. I didn't care that I was totally naked right now because I had to find the little girl. This reminded me so much of when I was younger. When I used to get lost and scream out in pain because wolves from my pack tortured me. Sadly, only Bruce came to my rescue. 

I walked through some trees to find a vicious rogue with its teeth sunk into a very fragile looking girl dangling from his mouth while another was pacing back and forth with excitement. I was about to run for the girl to protect her when I was tackled to the ground by an intimidating brown rogue. It barred its teeth at me, snapping mere inches from my face. A fourth wolf that was slightly bigger than the rest lifted its head and howled with victory. My head tilted to the side. I saw the wolf that had the girl between its jaws drop her to the floor like she meant nothing.

A sigh of relief rush passes my lips. But I watched in horror as the four of the wolves descended upon me. For an unknown reason, I closed my eyes and almost went unconscious. I blink my eyes a couple times, trying to stay awake.

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