pro to the log

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Author's Note: Hey y'all! So, I'm back with a YJ//Batfam crossover! Here is just a little sneak peek at what the story is going to be like, I hope you like it.


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"If you touch me one more time, Todd, I will-"

"What? What're you gonna do, tater tot, huh? Nothing, that's what I- awe fuck I can't believe you've done this." Jason screeched, grabbing his thigh from where Damian stabbed him with a butter knife.

"He warned you." Tim called over his shoulder in a bored tone, not looking up from his computer.

"Don't get blood on the rug, it's expensive." Stephanie chimed in, her legs thrown over Cassandra's lap as they watched some B-List horror movie from the 80's.

Dick walked in at the moment Jason pulled his gun out, a horrified gasp escaping his throat. "Jason, no!"

"Jason, yes." Tim, Steph, and Jason all deadpanned at the same time.

Dick dove in between his quarrelling siblings. Jason didn't even flinch. "I will shoot you, Dick. Move."

"He is a child, Jason." Dick tried to reason with his brother to no avail.

"Yeah, so was I when the Joker beat me to death." 

Barbara walked in on that comment, immediately pulling her wallet out and handing Cass ten dollars. "You win. That was the fifth time he mentioned his death today. I said no more than four."

"Hey! He could still go for ten." Tim pouted, still typing away on his computer.

"And at that point we will all owe you money, but for now, pay up." Cass wiggled her fingers, smirking when Steph and Tim tossed money her way.

"Uh, guys? Little help!" Dick called out, his foot on Damian's chest and his hands on Jason's pushing them in opposite directions.

His siblings all exchanged looks before replying in unison. "Nah."

"You chose to engage." Steph shrugged. "Deal with it." 

Bruce walked in at that moment, seeing the situation at hand he sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose and walked out, shaking his head as he went. 

Dick gaped at the doorway. "Bruce!"

"You chose to engage!" Bruce echoed Stephanie, eliciting giggles from his other children. 

"Alfred!" Dick called out, desperate to quell the fight so he could deal with his cramping foot. "Damian and Jason are going at it again!" That instantly got the two brothers to stop fighting, pulling away from each other and causing Dick to collapse to the floor in a heap. 

Barbara chuckled, sitting on the couch with the other girls just as Bruce walked back in. "I'm going out on patrol." All his kids perked up. "Alone. All of you are to stay here. Do I make myself clear?" All the teens rolled their eyes, mumbling a confirmation. "Good, I'll be back in the morning. I expect to see you all in bed."

With that, Bruce left to go suit up, not knowing it would be the last time he would see his children...

- - -

One Hour Later...

"No, we are not playing Monopoly again." Damian groaned as he fought against Dick and Cassandra, who were physically dragging him towards the board they had set up and where the rest of the siblings were smiling evilly.

"You're only saying that because you always end up in jail."

"Exactly!" Damian whined, stomping his foot. "How is it that Todd always wins?"

"Because I know how to play the game, short stack." Jason smirked. "Now take a seat and learn from the pros." Damian caved, taking a seat between Dick and Cass while mumbling profanities in Arabic under his breath. 

As the game progressed, none of the Bat kids noticed the air conditioning turn on, despite being the middle of fall. 

Not a one of them noticed anything strange about their eyelids getting heavier, they just chalked it up to being sleep deprived due to too many nights on patrol. 

Not one of them commented as Tim passed out on the floor, seeing as his last cup of coffee was six hours ago. Nor did they comment when Stephanie passed out next, followed by the Damian. When Jason thought things were odd is when Barbara face planted on the Monopoly board, sending the game pieces flying. He went to make a comment on it but felt his tongue heavy. 

That's when he saw the figure emerge from the shadows, a smile on their face. Jason squinted at them, being the last conscious Bat kid. "Hey, shit, I know you. You''re..." Jason passed out, leaving the figure to call in reinforcements.

Seemingly from the woodworks, Gotham rogues came out of the shadows of the room and scooped up the Wayne children, tossing them over their shoulders as they walked out the front door with their goodies. 

The ring leader pulled out their cell phone, typing in a number and hitting the dial button. "Hello, is this Bruce Wayne? We need to talk..."

Save The B(r)atsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora