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"If we cannot trust our employer, then how can we complete the mission successfully? If Mr. Wayne isn't as innocent as he claims to be, his kids may be in more danger than we thought."

Bruce chuckled as he watched the team from the computer monitors in the Batcave. "Oh, trust me, my kids are fine. I'm more worried about how the rogues are doing, what dealing with each other and my children..."

- - -

At that very moment, with six hours until Black Mask starts killing the children, said children were engaged in an intense debate about who was coming to their rescue.

"For the last time, Stephanie, the Avengers are not real. They cannot rescue us!" Barbara groaned, rubbing her throbbing temples.

"Mhm, keep telling yourself that." Steph mumbled under breath, earning herself a shriek of outrage from Tim.

"If the Avengers were real, we would've heard about them by now!"

"That's what the government what's you to think." Her siblings were seriously considering homicide at this point.

Cassandra, luckily, changed the topics from the Avengers. "What if it is Bruce's pet project, the team of proteges?"

"Oh, you mean the team we were never invited to?" Dick scoffed. "I'd like to see them try."

"Well, we know it isn't Batman. He would've been here by now." Jason begrudgedly admitted.

"I wonder if its the Justice League?"

"Would've been here by now." Steph opened her mouth and Jason saw red. "If you even think of mentioning the goddamn Avengers I will shove your fists so far down your throat-"


"What? We were all thinking it."

"Doesn't mean you voice it." Tim grumbled. He got off the floor to stretch, walking towards the door with a curious expression. He rattled the door knob, surprising everyone when he found it was open. "Guys, Selina gave us a way out..."

"So, do we wait for our rescue or do we leave now?" Barbara asked with a serious expression, breaking character to burst out laughing. "Come on, let's go."

The siblings all slunk out the door, stopping dead in their tracks when they saw Selina standing there with her hands on her hips. "It took you guys forty minutes to realize the door was unlocked? Really?" The siblings shrugged. Selina sighed. "Follow me."

"Wait! I forgot my phone."

"You had your phone this whole time?" Damian growled at Jason, who just stared blankly at him. "Go get it."

"Wasn't asking your permission, two bit." Jason walked into the bathroom, whirling around when he heard two sets of footsteps behind him to see Stephanie and Dick. "What are you guys doing?"

"We need to use the bathroom."

Jason groaned, going to exit the room. Except this time, when he tried the door knob it wouldn't budge. He rattled it like Tim did, but nothing.

The others on the outside heard the rattling and felt the blood drain from their faces as they heard approaching voices. They were torn.

Rescue their trapped siblings or make their escape now and hope for the best?

Selina made the decision for them, ushering them towards the window at the end of the hall. She had set up a grapnel, sending the kids down first before she herself made her escape, leaving Dick, Stephanie, and Jason behind to fend for themselves.

The bathroom door opened and the trio inside put on their best scared faces, turning to see Two Face standing there with Scarecrow. The two rogues grinned, sending real shivers down the siblings backs.

"Let's play a game, shall we?" Two Face chuckled, taking out his famous coin. "Heads we leave you be. Tails, well, Scarecrow here has some fun with you three."

"Wait! You're not even going to question where the other four went?" Stephanie blurted out.

Two Face and Scarecrow exchanged a look. "We assumed Riddler and Penguin had them."

"And you're absolutely right." Jason grit out, glaring at Stephanie.

Luckily, the rogues bought it. Two face flipped his coin and the three Bat kids watched in horror as it landed tails up. "There you have it. Jonathan, they are all yours."

The terror on the three Bats' faces was real as the two rogues left the room, locking the door behind them. The air vents opened and in flowed Scarecrows Fear Toxin.

Stephanie turned to Jason and Dick as they choked on the gas. "The Avengers wouldn't have let this happen."

"Jason no-"

- - -

The four free siblings and Selina ran through the streets of Gotham, unaware of the commotion going on between their other siblings as they ducked into an alcove. Tim pulled out his phone, dialing Bruce.

Bruce, who was with the Young Justice squad being grilled about the hidden cameras, welcomed this distraction. He shushed the team, showing them he was getting a phone call. The team fell silent, waiting for Bruce to answer. "Roman, if you have hurt a single one of my children-"

"Bruce, chill. Its me, Tim."

Bruce put the call on speakerphone. "Where are you? Are you hurt? How are the others?"

Tim chuckled, shocking the team slightly. "B, relax. We're fine. Sort of. Half of us are fine."

Bruce didn't exactly like the sound of that and neither did the team. Artemis shoved her way forward. "Tim, this is Artemis with the Justice League's covert ops team. What do you mean half of you are fine?"

The team and Bruce heard a racket on the other side of the phone and what sounded like the phone changing hands. "Bruce, its Barbara. Four of us got out with the help of Catwoman. Dick, Jason and Stephanie are still inside the Iceberg Lounge. We don't know what is happening to them."

Bruce inhaled sharply. "Thank you, Catwoman."

"My pleasure, Bruce. I would help your other children but my position within has been compromised."

"I understand. I have help here." Conner could've sworn he heard someone on the other line mention the Avengers and what sounded like that person getting punched. "Catwoman, can you bring my children home?"

"Working on it now, we are still a ways out."

M'gann got the hint from the look Bruce gave her, so she took Cassie and Artemis with her in the bioship to the location Catwoman relayed through the phone.

"Stay there, Catwoman. Help is on the way."

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