i deer you

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On the bioship ride back to the manor, Artemis was surprised at how well the Wayne children were taking being in an alien spacecraft. She watched them carefully as they sat silently, staring out the window at their approaching home.

Once they landed on manor grounds Bruce was outside in a heart beat, checking his kids over for injuries. Barbara had the bump on her head from when she hit the table but other than that, they were unscathed.

"B, stop. We're fine. We need to focus on getting the others out." Tim whined, slapping Bruce's hand away. "And I need coffee. That comes first."

"Tt. You and your caffeine, Drake." Damian muttered, following his siblings into the manor to see the Young Justice squad sprawled out around their discarded Monopoly game. "Who are you?"

"We are the people that are going to rescue your siblings." Bart declared proudly.

Cass smiled sweetly, patting him on the head before following Tim into the kitchen for coffee. The team migrated as well, watching Tim fire up the coffee pot. Kaldur raised a brow at the four siblings as Barbara went over to a white board hanging on the refrigerator.

It has beendays since last kidnapping

The board read, making the team a little uncomfortable.  "What was the number before?" Wally asked, taking a seat at the island.

"Nine. We were so close to double digits too." Barbara sighed, hopping up on the counter to reach on top of the refrigerator, taking a jar down. When Bruce gave her a look she gave it right back. "We deserve some Alfred cookies, B. I mean, we were just kidnapped."

"Not like it doesn't happen ever week." Cassandra muttered under her breath, accepting a cookie from her sister anyways.

"I wonder how Stephanie and the boys are doing." Tim snapped his fingers in an 'aha' motion, grabbing his phone out to face time Jason.

The team observed the siblings, shocked at how calm they were given the circumstances. They were pleasantly surprised when Jason answered the face time, until they heard what was going on on the other side.

"-have to deal with Crane and Dent already, now Steph is in the corner hyperventilating and are you even listening to me, Jason?!"

The camera was pointed at the ceiling of the bathroom and Tim could just make out the outline of Stephanie's boot in the light fixture above. Jason had his head in his hands, leaning over the camera with a pleading look in his eyes. "Ever since you left, Timbers. Ever. Since. You. Left. He. Has. Not. Shut. Up."

Dick snatched the phone from Jason, earning some colorful language from his brother as Dick's face took up the screen. "Tim! Oh, thank god! You will not believe what has been happening here! We were drugged with Scarecrow's fear toxin, but luckily Jay and I have built up such an immunity that we were able to hold our breath long enough for it to dissipate. Steph wasn't so lucky. And then genius over here," Cue glare towards Jason. "Had to scare Steph while she was under the influence and now she has been catatonic in the corner after trying to kick him in the face."

"Is that why her shoe is stuck in the light?"

"Yeah, she missed."

"I can see that." Tim adjusted his phone to get the team in on the frame. They waved awkwardly. "Cass was right, its the proteges."

How did they know about us?

Well, their father is Bruce Wayne, who is friends with Superman. Not that far fetched to believe that they found out through Superman.

I think there is more to it than that.

Suit yourself, I'm sticking with my theory.

"It looks like they are doing a whole lot of slacking and not a whole lot of rescuing." Jason's disembodied voice spoke.

Ooh, I want to punch him.

He has a point though, we know where they are, why don't we go get them?

The team heard a soft female voice speak, not being able to make out what she said. Jason inhaled sharply. "She lives."

"And I would be home if  the Av-"

"Stephanie, if you so much as think about finishing that sentence I will make good on my threat."

The Young Justice squad looked to Tim for an answer but he just looked away. "Shouldn't you lot be rescuing my siblings?"

Artemis, if you say you want to punch this one too-

No, he has a good point. Let's go.

The team made their way out of the manor and to the bioship, leaving behind the four Bat kids and Bruce Wayne.

Bruce looked to his kids with a smirk. "The rogues said no Batman, they didn't say anything about his kids."

"Are you saying-" Bruce cut Barbara off with nod. The kids grinned devilishly, hanging up on Jason as he fought with Stephanie and Dick played referee. They made their way to the Batcave, getting dressed in their gear before embarking on their journey towards the Iceberg Lounge, ready to give the rogues the  butt whooping they deserved.

Meanwhile, on the bioship, Artemis slammed her hands down on her lap. "Okay, I'll be the one to say it, I don't trust the Waynes." When her friends looked at her for more information, she rolled her eyes. "No one is that calm after being kidnapped. No matter how many times in your life you've been kidnapped."

"Well, they do live in Gotham of all places."

"Yeah but Jason and Dick mentioned having built up an immunity to Scarecrow's fear toxin. Normal people don't do that. Plus, there is the whole thing with Jason coming back from oblivion." Artemis pointed out.

"Why are we debating this? Our mission is to rescue them, not psychoanalyze them."

Artemis put her hands up in surrender, watching as M'gann put the ship in camouflage mode and flew it close to the Iceberg Lounge, parking it on a nearby building. They exited the bioship, walking towards the edge of the rooftop to discuss their plans.

"So, what I'm thinking is-" Kaldur was cut off by the sound of grappling hooks landing on the roof next to them and they looked over to see four shapes scaling the building towards them. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Yup, the Bat kids."

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