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"Wallace West, if you even think about touching my cookies before they are done I swear I will-" M'gann's threat was cut off by the zeta tube announcing the arrival of Superman and a guest.

That piqued the Young Justice squads' interest, who were all lounging between the kitchen and the lounge area on their phones or watching Wally try to sneak some of M'gann's cookies.

Should we go check it out?

Nah, I'm too lazy to move right now.

Superman will call us if its important.

Has anyone ever brought a guest? Besides Zatanna obviously.

I don't think so.

Ugh, let's go check it out.

The team got up from their various positions, making their way to the mission room where Superman was standing with a man in a suit who had his back turned to the group. Even from behind, the team could tell the man was tense just from his body language.

"Bruce, relax. I'm sure they're fine. I mean, they're your kids after all." Superman spoke in the most reassuring voice the team had ever heard him use.

It was a bit unnerving, to say the least.

Wait a second, Bruce as in-

Bruce Wayne?!

As if the man knew he was being telepathically talked about, he turned around and the team's suspicions were confirmed.

"Ah, you must be the Young Justice team I have heard about. My name is-"

"Bruce Wayne, billionaire businessman and collector of orphans." Cassie accidentally blurted out, covering her mouth with her hands. "Oops."

Bruce, luckily, just laughed. "That's true, that's me in a nutshell."

"What're you doing here, Mr. Wayne, sir?" Bart asked, buzzing with excitement.

"Unfortunately, I come on grave terms. Superman, if you will."

Superman stepped forward, pulling up the holographic computer. He typed for a few moments before seven profiles appeared. He then addressed the team. "These seven are Bruce Wayne's children." He clicked on the first profile. "Barbara  Gordon-Wayne, the oldest adopted child. She was police commissioner Gordon's daughter, but he was killed in the line of duty when she was nine, three months before Bruce adopted his second child, Dick Grayson. Dick grew up in the circus before his parents fell to their deaths during a show. He was adopted by Bruce immediately afterwards. Jason Todd, the third child, was thought dead for a few years, only to resurface with amnesia a couple months ago. No one knows quite what happened. Timothy Drake, adopted a few months after Jason's supposed death, is the fourth child, followed by Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain. Little is known about Cain, but Brown's father was a low tier criminal before Batman busted him. And finally, we have Damian Wayne, Bruce's only biological child."

"Why are you telling us this?" Artemis asked, sounding bored.

"Last night, while Bruce was out, a group of Gotham City Rogues broke into their home and kidnapped all seven of them. They called Bruce, who was smart enough to record the call. Bruce?"

Bruce pulled out his cell phone, handing it over to Superman. Superman hooked it up to the holographic computer, pressing play on the recording.

"Hello, is this Bruce Wayne? We need to talk..." A gruff voice spoke.

"This is Bruce, who am I talking to?"

"My name is Roman Sionis, some call me Black Mask. I'm calling to strike a deal."

"And why would I ever do that?"

"Because I have something you want. And you have something I want. So, I am offering a simple trade."

"What could you have that I co-"

"Your daughter, Cassandra, has a little freckle on her left cheek bone."

"...I'm listening."

"You use your position and political sway to get me access to the fire power I desire, or I kill one of your children every six hours. Starting at sundown today. Now, I'm a reasonable man, I know these things take time. So, you have seven children. I start killing in eight hours."

The line went dead.

"Sir, with all due respect, why us? Why not Batman? Gotham is his city." Kaldur asked.

"I recieved this note this morning." Bruce handed over a letter to the team, one that looked to be hastily scribbled on a wine stained napkin. "Those are the other rogues' demands."

The team skimmed through them. "'One million dollars transport out of the Batman or police."

"Well, that sure puts a damper on things." Bart complained. "Do you have any idea of where they could be?"

Bruce shrugged, running a hand through his hair as he sighed. "Black Mask has locations spread out through out Gotham. Its hard to tell where exactly he is keeping them or who else is working with him."

The team exchanged looks amongst themselves. "Okay, we will get your children back, Mr. Wayne, don't worry."

Bruce looked each of them dead in the face, a serious expression on his face. "My childrens' lives are in your hands. Don't let me down."

Yikes, no pressure or anything.

Well, this is a life or death situation, Wally.

Aren't all our missions?

Yeah, but this is high profile.

True true.

Superman watched the team converse through the mind link before sighing impatiently. "What are you waiting for? Go!"

Oh shit, right. The mission.

The teens took off towards the bioship, leaving behind Bruce and Superman. Superman turned to Bruce with a raised brow.

"Are you really worried about your kids?"

Bruce let out a hearty chuckle. "Of course not, after all, like you said, they are my kids. If anything, I'm worried about the rogues that dared to kidnap them."

Superman shuddered, looking to where the team disappeared to. "And them? What about the team?"

"Well, the rogues know that Bruce Wayne has connections in the superhero community.  Its only fitting that a team of heroes show up." Bruce turned to Superman with a smirk. "Besides, I think it is well over due for the team to meet my children, what do you think?"

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