for effs sake

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Stephanie paced outside Barbara's hospital room, waiting to be allowed in after the doctor finished talking with Bruce. Her other siblings, including Jason, were just down the hall. Stephanie had already seen them but now she had to check in with her older sister.

She couldn't help but blame herself for Barbara getting zapped. If she hadn't been selfish and just allowed Barbara to attach the IV and electrodes to her then maybe the zap would have been diluted and not potentially done any harm to her sister. But no, she had to be a stubborn baby and go against her family.

God, maybe her and Jason weren't so different after all.

As Stephanie was shaking that thought out of her head, the door to Barbara's hospital room opened and the doctor walked out, motioning for Stephanie to go ahead in. Stephanie thanked her and practically ran in, diving right into her father's arms. She began to apologize profusely, so much so that Bruce was unable to get a word in edgewise.

"I am so sorry!"


"If I had just allowed Barbara to hook me up-"


"-then we wouldn't be in this situation and-"


"-she would be fine and-"

"Stephanie!" The blonde halted her blurted apologies, looking away from her sister's unconscious face to look up at her father. Bruce smiled and brushed the tears away from her eyes. "Its okay, nobody blames you."

"I do."

"Well, you shouldn't. Nobody could've predicted the machine malfunctioning like that." Bruce smiled reassuringly, kissing the top of Stephanie's head. "Now come on, the doctor said Barbara is going to need all the rest she can get and there is no use torturing ourselves waiting for her to wake up. Let's go check in on your other siblings."

Bruce led Stephanie out of Barbara's hospital room and back down the hallway towards the Bat siblings' joint room. They demanded they share a room among the five of them, the hospital staff allowing it because, well, they are the Waynes. And who in their right mind says no to the Waynes?

The duo walked into the room and was met with the sound of bickering, to neither of their surprise. From the little snippets that they could make out, it sounded like Dick was trying to get Tim to put his phone away and sleep while Cassandra was actually trying to sleep but couldn't due to how loud her brothers were being.

"I swear on Selina's life if you two don't shut up I will-" Cass was cut off by the sound of Stephanie slamming the door shut, successfully gaining the attention of the rest of the siblings. "Weren't you going to check on Barbara?"

Steph nodded. "Yeah, dad kicked me out. Told me to come hang out with you losers."

"Lucky us." Damian rolled his eyes.

"Any word on her condition?" Dick asked, momentarily distracted from his crusade to get Tim to rest.

Bruce leaned against the window, crossing his arms over his chest as he heaved a heavy sigh. "The doctors won't know if there was any damage done until she wakes up. For now, its a guessing game."

The siblings nodded, resuming their conversations.

Bruce noticed Jason was being uncharacteristically quiet, staring off into space. So he went over and sat on the edge of his bed, waving a hand in front of his face. "Jay? You okay?"

Jason blinked. "Oh, peachy. Just returned from the dead...for a second time. I feel like some undead yo-yo, being yanked back and forth between life and death when ever its convenient for other people. But what about what's convenient for me, huh? Why don't I get a say in when I die?"

"Oof, edge lord is back at it again." Tim mumbled to Cass, who nodded in agreement.

Jason leveled them with a glare. "I wish it was you who I shot."

"Thanks for that, by the way. I just love being shot with poisonous bullets." Steph snapped.

Jason scoffed. "Puh-lease, you think I knew the bullets were poisoned? I just grabbed two random guns off the floor during the skirmish. And who was it again that saved your ass?"

"Yeah, by shooting us and shoving us out a window!"

"You're welcome."

Stephanie just rolled her eyes, a hint of a smirk on her face. As much as it pained her to say it, she was glad to have Jason back, even if he was a pain in the butt.

Something clicked in Dick's head as he observed his family. "Where is the team of proteges? Weren't they the ones to fly us to the hospital?"

Stephanie nodded. "Yeah, but I sent them on their way once you guys were checked in. Why?"

"Shouldn't we let them know we are okay?" The siblings all exchanged a look before shrugging. Dick rolled his eyes. "Do any of us have their numbers?"

"Not me."


"We literally just met them. When would we have exchanged numbers?"

Tim sighed. "I'll handle this." He lifted his phone and began typing, much to the chagrin of Dick. After a moment the other's phones dinged with a notification. "I just sent you a list of their numbers. Have fun."

"Where did y-"

"Do you even need to ask?" Tim smirked, cocking a brow.

Dick ignored his siblings as they began to bicker again, opting to send a group text to the team instead.

Nightwing: Hey team, it's Nightwing. I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for saving us, twice, and update you all on our conditions. No word on Barbara yet, but the rest of us are recovering nicely. Even Jason, when he isn't being emo.

It was barely a minute later that his phone dinged with a response.

Kid Flash: How did you get our numbers?

Blue Beetle: ^^^

Nightwing: Red Robin found them for me.

Artemis: That's creepy and kind of a breach of privacy.

Nightwing: Relax, he only hacked into the NSA.

Superboy: Well, that makes me feel a lot better.

Miss Martian: Do you guys need anything?

Nightwing: Earplugs so I don't have to listen to my siblings anymore would be nice.

Kid Flash: Yikes, want us to come rescue you?

Nightwing: I think Bruce would have a conniption if you lot showed up here...

Aqualad: So is that a no?

Nightwing: Oh, no, by all means, come on by.

Impulse: I'll never understand you Bats...

Nightwing: That's the goal.

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