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"Is that why you're bleeding?" Cassandra asked, pointing at the flesh wounds on her siblings.

"Yes, Jason shot us." Steph spat.

So, Jason is Red Hood?!

I guess so.

And he shot his siblings?

To save them!

Or to kill them.

He never misses though.

That's what he says, could just be talk.

Either way, he got them out alive and now he is in there with the rogues doing who knows what to him. We need to get him out.

But how?

"Okay, if we are going to get Jason out we all need to be on the same page." Barbara stared at the team. "That means no more telepathically communicating, you speak aloud."

"How'd you know?" Wally asked cautiously. Barbara just raised an eyebrow. "Fair enough, okay."

"So, do we just go rescue him now or...? What are we waiting for?" Artemis asked, looking between the other heroes and the Iceberg Lounge.

"We go now."

"But what about Dick and Steph?" Tim asked, gesturing to his injured siblings. "What do we do with them?"

"They can wait on the bioship." M'gann suggested, pointing to the ship behind her.

Dick and Steph went to argue but Barbara gave them a look and they stopped, following orders and boarding the bioship. Once the two non costumed siblings were safely on board the bioship, the team and the Bat kids got to work on making their way to the Iceberg Lounge.

They decided to just bust in through the front doors, seeing as it was still on fire and they didn't have a clue as to what the rogues were doing to Jason. Or if he was still alive, for that matter.

They entered the club to complete chaos. Not only was the Iceberg Lounge still on fire but the rogues inside were laying on the ground, bleeding out from gunshot wounds. Jason was nowhere in sight and neither was Black Mask or Ivy. 

"Where's Jason?" Tim growled at Penguin, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. 

"Oh, you mean Red Hood? That little shit is getting what he deserves." Penguin chuckled, coughing up a little blood. 

Tim reisted the urge to punch him in the face. 

"We must get the rogues out of here. Miss Martian, shut them down so they can't escape. Wonder Girl, alert GCPD. Blue Beetle, scan for the rest of the rogues and Jason. They have to be here somewhere." Kaldur commanded, picking up the Riddler as the rest of the crew jumped into action. 

Jaime scanned the building, catching the energy signature of Poison Ivy, Black Mask, and Jason on the roof. He alerted everyone else, flying up there with the four Bat kids scaling the building. 

They were met with a horrifying sight. Jason, weaponless, being choked out by one of Ivy's vines while Black Mask was on the phone. "Yeah...things didn't go according to plan...You didn't warn me that they were the Bat family, Luthor! Anyways, Ivy is taking Hood out now. I expect my full payment...bye."

"Let him go!" Barbara yelled, drawing her batarangs. 

Ivy turned around, a malicious smirk forming on her face. "Why, do you not know what he has done to your siblings?"

"He did it to save them, Ivy." Damian growled.

Ivy cackled. "That's what he wants you to think. Those bullets? Poisoned. You might want to check on your dear brother and sister, they probably aren't fairing well right about now." 

The Bat kids exchanged a look, silently communicating with each other. Jason's life over Dick and Steph's? How could they make that choice?

Luckily, Jaime was two steps ahead of them, having contacted the rest of the Young Justice team through the mind link to go check on Dick and Steph.  He turned to the Bats when he got the answer, a solemn expression on his face. "She's telling the truth. The bullets were poisoned. Your siblings are sick."

Cassandra and Damian wasted no time jumping off the roof to go to Dick and Stephanie, leaving Jaime, Barbara, and Tim to face Ivy and Mask. 

The trio looked up at the villains, eyes going wide when they saw how limp Jason was. Barbara let out a snarl, throwing her batarangs and cutting the vines that Ivy had wrapped around Jason's neck. He fell to the roof with a loud thump.

"Oh well, my job here is done anyways. Have fun with your brother, he sure is the life of the party." Ivy snickered, backing up to Mask as a helicopter approached. 

Tim went to chase after them when Barbara stopped him with her words. "No. We will get them another time. Right now we need to get Jason to a hospital." 

They rushed over to his side, gasping when they saw his condition. He was sickly pale with cuts and burns all over his body. But worst of all, he wasn't breathing. 

"Quick! We need to do CPR." Barbara knelt next to her brother, starting on the chest compressions. "Tim, call nine one one!"

"Batgirl, our iden-"

"I don't give a shit about that right now! Our brother is dead and I'm trying to revive him!" Barbara snapped, tears streaming down her face. She turned back to Jason, still doing the chest compressions. "Come on Jay, not again."

By this time, the rest of Young Justice brought the bioship over with the rest of the Bat kids on board, disembarking to see the commotion. Despite being poisoned themselves, Steph and Dick stumbled off to see what was happening. They swatted away Cassandra and Damian when they tried to usher them back onto the ship, saying they were fine despite the thick layer of sweat on them. 

"Jason, don't do this to us, please." Tim begged, hands shaking as he dialed Bruce. 

Bruce answered on the second ring. 

"Hello? I assume things went we-"

"No! Jason is dead, again! Bruce, get here right now!" Tim cut Bruce off, making his father's heart practically stop. 

"I'll be right there. Don't move."

"Also, bring the all purpose antidote. Dick and Steph were poisoned."

"Okay, anything else I need to know?"

"We've been compromised?"

"I assumed that when you called me Bruce."

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