Hybrid Buds

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Once we finally got back to my house, I softly knocked on the door. Almost immediately, Mrs. Maheswaran swung the door open.

"y/n! you get inside this house right now young lady/man!" she yelled, making me jump slightly.

"y-yes ma'am." I said, stepping into the house, letting go of Steven's arm, who tried following me but was stopped by Mrs. M. "Go home Steven." She said in a disappointed, but stern tone. The last thing I saw was steven's worried face before Mrs. M slammed the door on him. 'umm. rude.'

She turned around so she was facing me "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO BE HOME BEFORE SUNSET! WHAT IF SOMEONE HURT YOU?! WHAT IF SOMEONE SAW YOUR GEM AND TRIED TAKING IT?! WHAT IF-" She stopped and looked in my eyes, letting out a sigh. "Look, y/n. I'm sorry. I'm just scared for you."

I rubbed my arm "I know, Mrs. Maheswaran."

She gave me a sad look "You know you can call me mom, right?" I didn't respond.

We stood in awkward silence for a while as she rubbed her head like she had a headache. "What were you and Steven doing out that late anyways? And when did you even meet him?"

I felt my whole mood change when she mentioned him. "I met him today actually! We were out late because he showed me his powers and I showed him mine! I even got to meet his friends! They're not half human like Steven and I, they're actually full ge-"
She put up her hand, signaling for me to be quite.
"Yes yes I know. Just... go to your room."

A sad sigh escaped my lips "Yes ma'am." I muttered as I dragged myself upstairs. I opened my bedroom door to see Connie sitting on my bed. She looked stressed and was starring down at her phone, tapping her foot anxiously.

I guess she heard me come in because her head snapped up to look at me. "Y/N!" She jumped up and gave me a spine crushing hug. "Where have you been?! We were so worried!"

I rolled my eyes but hugged her back, smiling just a little. It's good to know people worry about you sometimes. "I already got the lecture from the guard downstairs." I walked over to my bed and looked at the time. It was already 12:30 am. I threw myself onto my bed. Showing off all my powers took all the energy out of me. Also the whole incident with the monster on the beach. "Alright, night Connie." I managed to say while yawning.

She gave a sarcastic laugh, making me look at her in confusion. "Yeah right." she started "You can't just disappear for hours and not tell me where you went! I want details!" She jumped onto the spot next to me on the bed.

"Ok ok fine!" I yelled, giving in to her. "I met a new friend!"

She gasped. It was rare for me to make friends. That makes me sound like a loser, but really my only friend was Connie, and that's just because she's my sister. "Who!?" She pushed on.

"Steven!" I yelled excitedly. "No freakin way!" Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. I laughed "Yes way!"

Once we calmed down from our laugh attack, Connie looked at me with a huge smirk. "Soooo, what were you and Steven doing together so late at night."

I felt my face heat up at her comment "Connie! It's not like that!" I looked at my feet, making her laugh even harder. "I'm just joking around... unless..." Before she could go on, I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at her "nope!"

This turned into a full on pillow war. And I mean feathers everywhere. It was all fun and games until I chucked the pillow at my nightstand, knocking a lamp over. Connie and I froze as we heard Mrs. M yell "GO TO SLEEP!" from downstairs. We completely lost it, laughing so hard we cried.

"She's right though." I said between laughs "we should really get some sleep." Connie pouted "Fine. But tomorrow you are telling me EVERYTHING."

I rolled my eyes "Yeah yeah whatever." She got up and walked out of the room with a tired "Goodnight y/n."

"Night Connie." I stood up to get changed, but as I was slipping out of my jeans, I felt something in my back pocket. I pulled it out to find a little slip of paper with a number written on it. Under the number it said: "Had a blast tonight. Excited to hang again soon! ~Steven (hybrid bud)"

I squealed when I read the note. I quickly changed into some pajamas and added the number to my contacts. I couldn't wait and texted him right away.

y/n: hey is this Steven?

He responded almost immediately.

Steven: yeah. who's this?

y/n: you can call me your hybrid bud 🤗

Steven: y/n! I see you got my note!

y/n: yup! very slick Universe

Steven: why thank you

Steven: so how did it go with your mom?

y/n: she let me off easy this time. probably since i've never done anything like this before. she yelled at me for a while, but other than that I didn't get grounded or anything.

Steven: oh good. I was scared I got you in big trouble.

y/n: nah. she was just in worried parent mode lmao.

Steven: that's understandable.

Steven: i'm gonna sign off. you should too. you'll need to rest after the day you've had lol.

y/n: ha no kidding. night Steven.

Steven: night y/n



Hey loves! I'm gonna have to change my schedule around a little. I was trying to post every night but with all the school work i've been getting, it's just not working out. I'll try to post around twice a week? I guess we'll see how that goes❤️

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