Here Goes Nothing

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Just a warning, I suck at writing fight scenes and stuff like that so please bare with me.


I took a deep breath in and gripped the handle of my scythe. "Here goes nothing" I lunged at the Holo Pearl with everything I had. I swung my weapon but the hologram blocked it with it's sword. We went back and for a little while, metal clashing on metal, until I noticed a pattern in the Holo Pearl's movements. I took this to my advantage and pushed it back once it went to swing again. As soon as I did this, It ran right back to me. Just as it swung it's sword at me, I leaped into the air, flipping over it. It spun around, ready to pierce me, but I quickly used my scythe to defend myself, pushing it back again.

This time, instead of running back to me, the Holo Pearl threw the sword like a boomerang. I quickly did a back bend to avoid it. I held my breath as it missed me by a centimeter. When the sword came flying back, just like a boomerang, I grabbed it by the handle. I put my scythe back in my gem and ran towards the defenseless Holo Pearl. I slid onto the ground, tripling the Holo Pearl, and pointing the sword at it. (Like Connie does in the pic at the top)

"Challenger wins." The robotic voice announced. I turned around to face Pearl and Steven. They were silent and their facial expressions were hard to read, making me nervous.

"That... was... AMAZING!" Steven jumped up and ran over to me. "When you did that cool flip! And when you used it's own sword against it! And then when you-" Pearl sighed "Yes Steven, we all saw it, we don't need a play by play."

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly "oh right... sorry." I turned back to Pearl "So how did I do?"

"Oh you were outstanding! I'm very impressed." I don't think I've ever smiled that wide in my life. "When Steven asked if I could train you, I thought it would be like when I trained Connie. She started with no experience whatsoever, and it showed, no offense to her..." I laughed at that. I liked hearing that I did something better than my sister for once. It's usually the other way around. "You seem to know what your doing. Have you had any past experience fighting?"

I thought for a minute "I don't think so. I was just acting on instinct." I shrugged. Pearl looked puzzled. "Alright, well I don't think teaching you the basics will help much, so I guess we could dive deeper into your different powers." She looked at me as if asking if that was ok with me. Of course I gave her an approving nod in response.

"Well we can start on that next time. I had a lesson planned out for today but it's useless now." Pearl rambled "You two are dismissed." She waved her hand as if shooing us away.

Steven and I shot each other a mischievous look before running up the stairs of the Arena to the warp pad, laughing the whole way.

Steven's POV

We stepped onto the warp pad and I got ready to warp us back to my house. Right before I could, I felt y/n grab my arm. I let out a soft chuckle at their adorableness. "It's alright, you're not floating away on my watch." I gave them a small wink right before warping us away.

We were back in the blink of an eye. I frowned when they let go of my arm, taking their warmth with them. "Soooo..." I started, looking at them with an evil grin "FunLand Arcade?"

They scoffed "It's funny, you know me so well, yet we practically just met." I shrugged "I guess we just click." I winked at them when I said click.

They rolled their eyes "Come on dork." They grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door.

~Time skip brought to you by me missing Pumpkin~

Once we got to the arcade, I ran straight towards the skee ball, my favorite game. I put in 2 quarters for my game, and 2 quarters for y/n's. "Loser has to buy the winner ice cream!" They yelled as they grabbed their first ball, rolling it to get it in the 40 hole.

"Oh you're on!" I grabbed my first ball as I watched them make it into the 50 hole. Then an idea popped into my head. I rolled the ball, but purposely got a 10, then a 20, then a 20, then another 20, then 10 , 10, it went on like this until I ran out of balls.

I looked up at my score and cringed a little. "Wow you suck at this." y/n said plainly, leaning on my shoulder. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the smile that I could feel forming on my face, knowing my plan had worked.

"Ooo I wanna play that!" Before I knew it, they were already running towards "Dance-Dance Revolution." I followed not too far behind. She took one side while I took the other. We both entered 2 quarters into our sides.

"You're going down Universe." They said in a low but confident voice. "I wouldn't be too sure about that."

The music started and I was totally in the zone. All I could think about was beating y/n. Forward, Forward, Right, Back, Right, Left, Left, Back, Forward. After a while, my eyes started to wander over to y/n, who looked completely focused. Their eyes were glued to the screen and they did this cute thing where their tongue poked out the side of their mouth a little.

I might have got a little too distracted, because I started to fall behind. I quickly snapped back to the game. "Come on Steven. Keep your head in the game." But that was just about impossible when I heard y/n starting to giggle a little. My head snapped over to them just to see them starting to really get into the dance moves, their feet hitting each of the arrows with ease. They made it look so easy.

I hadn't even realized I was just fumbling around at this point, hoping I hit the right arrows as my eyes watched the hybrid's every move next to me

"Winner!" The game announced as y/n threw their hands up in the air. "Victory!" They cheered. I shook myself out of the spell they had cast on me "Good game." I bit my lip a little out of nervousness. "Why am I so nervous?" I shook it off again, "Come on, I owe you ice cream."

Sorry for the abrupt ending loves. I just finished an ELA essay and decided to finally finish this chapter while I was in the writing mood.

Also, thank you guys so much for 2k views and 100+ votes! You guys are so supportive and have so many amazing ideas, even when I take forever to get new chapters out.😅 Again, thank you guys so much💜

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