Solving a Conflict

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Alright so I attempted a special chapter for Halloween but I ended up hating it so I hope you all had a good Halloween!
I also realized I never specified when the story takes place. There's not really a specific time, it's some time after "Bubbled" and before the human zoo stuff. I hope that makes sense.


Steven had texted me saying I could come over to start training around 5:00 pm. Connie and I had been laying around the house doing puzzles and watching "Under The Knife" all day. But don't tell Mrs. M. She hates that show. Something about it being unrealistic or whatever.

I didn't know what I would need so I just brought my phone. I asked Connie if she wanted to come along, but she insisted on staying in her pajamas in the warm house.

I started to make my way across town, taking in the beautiful evening. I usually hate the cold, but tonight was nice. There was a slight breeze that sent shivers through my body now and then.

I stopped in front of the Big Donut. I thought back to this morning. Sadie was acting really weird. I think I should check and see how she's doing.

I opened the door and heard the little bell ring. I looked around, not seeing or hearing anyone. I figured they were probably in the back again, so I went back there to check. I opened the door to the back room, ignoring the "Staff Only" sign.

I saw Lars sitting at a little table set up in the middle of the room. I've been in the back before, but that was a while ago. That was when I first met Sadie and Lars.


Connie was out on the dock and I had spotted the Big Donut from the beach. I decided to get us both something to eat since it was pretty early in the morning. When I walked in, I didn't notice anyone. Not realizing it wasn't allowed, I walked straight to the back room. My face turned beat red "I'm sorry!" I turned around and left as soon as I had entered, going back to wait at the front counter.

A short blonde girl and a tall boy with brown/orange hair walked out awkwardly. "I-i'm really sorry about th-that." The small one stuttered.

I shrugged and looked down at my feet "I've seen worse."

I heard the y'all one laugh, causing me to look up at him. "Worse than that? But aren't you like six?" He grabbed a donut from one of the shelves, taking a big bite out of it.

I glared at him "I'm nine so shut the fu-" Sadie quickly jumped in "What can I get for you... ummm..."

I smiled warmly at her "y/n! and one chocolate donut and one vanilla frosted please." She nodded and started to grab the donuts. "I'm Sadie. And that's Lars." Lars looked up at the mention of his name, but quickly looked back down at his phone.

She handed me the bag of donuts. I reached in my pocket and pulled out some change "how much?" I questioned her. Now that i'm really getting to look at her, she might even be shorter than me. "It's on the house. We already ruined your innocence." 

"Oh! Thank you!" I started heading out. "It was nice meeting you two!

Sadie waved goodbye while Lars gave me a nod, his eyes still glued to his phone. "See you around y/n!"

*End Flashback*

Lars rested his head on the table with his arms folded. He didn't bother looking up at me. "Go away Sadie. I told you I could take care of it on my own." I'm not sure if i'm hearing things, but i could've sworn he sniffled a little while he talked.

I shook it off for the time being. "y/n, actually."

His head snapped up and he turned to look at me. My heart broke. His eyes were red and puffy. His eyes glistened with tears that threatened to fall. Now, Lars can be a bit of an asshole most of the time, but he's a good guy once you get to know him.
"Oh. Just you."

I walked over to the table he sat at and hopped up so I was sitting on it. "Alright spill. What's going on with you and Sadie?" I tried sounding stern, but seeing Lars like this made me just a little soft.

"S-sadie and I have b-been fighting al-lot lately and sh-she said that i-i'm selfish and she said she w-wish she never m-m-met me and and-" He broke down into ugly sobs. I felt like someone hit me in the head when he said this. Sadie and Lars always seemed like the perfect couple to me. Sure they fought now and then, but I thought they were just playing around. I tried my best to comfort him, but it wasn't exactly my strong suit.

"Look Lars." I started once he calmed down a little "I'm sure Sadie didn't mean any of that. I would just give her some space before you try to work things out again."

He looked up at me again with tears and snot running down his face "Will th-that work?"

"Yes? Maybe? I think?" I saw his face become even more saddened, if that was even possible. "I mean, right now you're both so heated and angry, and you guys seeing each other all day every single day probably isn't helping." He nodded his head, letting me know he understood what I was trying to say.

He took a deep breath "Thank you y/n." I gave him a soft smile. I've never seen him this nice. It was so strange "Now get out you shouldn't be back here." Aaannnd there he is. I rolled my eyes and playfully punched his arm "See ya soon Lars." I yelled back to him as I walked out of the shop.

I stood outside the Big Donut. What was I out for in the first place? I tried remembering why I had left the comfort of my home.

Oh shit training with Steven!

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