An Unexpected Guest

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We were almost to Steven's house and he was rambling on about some cartoon about sad food. I didn't really get it, but the way his face beamed when he talked about it made it hard to stop him.

"Hey!" A female voice yelled from behind us. Startled, I grabbed onto Steven's arm, while he pulled out his shield. "Wow calm down weirdos." Lars exclaimed, putting his hands out in front of him.

I clenched my chest and let out a sigh of relief. Steven did the same, putting his shield away. "Lars. Sadie. You almost gave us a heart attack."

Sadie rubbed the back of her neck "Yeah sorry about that. What are you two doing out so late?" I opened my mouth to answer, but Lars quickly stopped me. "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that they just finished their little date." He laughed, pointing out that I was still holding onto Steven's arm.

I blushed and quickly let go of his arm, making him frown a little. "I could say the same about you two." Steven uno reverse carded them, nodding to their intertwined hands. This made Lars turn a bright red, while Sadie just smirked at him.

"Well we have y/n to thank for that. They really helped when we hit a tough patch." She explained, squeezing Lars' hand.

"You did that?" Steven asked softly, referring to the couple in front of us. I nodded. He mouthed a silent "wow" as a very slight blush creeped onto his face.

Sadie giggled "Yeah Steven, y/n is like the master of love." This earned her a hair ruffle from Lars "Don't be lame Sadie." "You're the lame one!" She shot back, trying to reach his hair to ruffle it, but failing miserably.

I smiled at the scene playing out in front of us as I felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. I looked up at a blushing Steven. "Sooo... master of love huh?" He smirked.

"Oh shut it." I rolled my eyes, resting my head on his shoulder. Steven checked the time on his phone. I peeked at the screen to see 12:45. "Shit."

"It was nice catching up with you guys, but y/n and I should really be heading home now." Steven explained, sliding his phone back in his pocket.

"Yeah sure" Lars waved. "Later!" Said Sadie.

We turned around and started our journey back home. "Umm you can have the b-bed. I can sleep ok t-the couch." Steven stuttered out. I have him a confused look "What do you mean?"

He cleared his throat "W-well since you're staying over tonight, I wouldn't want you to have to s-sleep on the c-c-couch." I was quiet for a moment "I'm sure your bed's big enough for two." I shrug.

Steven's POV


"You alright there Universe?" y/n questioned. I looked down at their cute and innocent little face. "They definitely didn't realize what they said."

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Totally chill." I pretended to shoot them with my finger gun when I said that last part, but immediately facepalmed after. "S-sorry." They giggled "Alright dork, whatever you say."

We finally arrived back at the temple and the gems were all in their own rooms. I walked up the steps to my room with y/n right behind me. "Hey Universe, could I maybe borrow some pajamas?" I stopped in my tracks, not facing them. I was too embarrassed to turn around because of how badly I was blushing "Y-yeah of course." I went over to my dresser and pulled out one of my usually star t-shirts and some grey sweatpants and handed them to them. They thanked me and went to the bathroom to change while I changed in my room.


I shut the bathroom door and leaned against it, Steven's clothes in my hands. "Smells like him..." I thought, starting to feel myself blush, but I shook it away and quickly changed.

Once I had finished changing, I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. My bright red face was hard to ignore. I inspected myself in the mirror, doing little turns and looking myself over. That is, until I heard a loud bang from the other room."You alright out there Universe?" I yelled.

No answer.

I cracked the bathroom door open and spoked my head out. "Universe?"

No answer.

I walked into the living area. "Steven?"

No answer.

I walked up the steps to his room. "Steven seriously where are you?"


I started to panic. "Maybe he just went outside for a minute." I reasoned with myself. But when I stepped outside...


I walked back inside and checked every room in the little beach house but the boy was no where to be found. "Steven come on this isn't funny!" I couldn't tell if I was more angry or concerned.

"What if he was kidnapped!? Or in danger!?" My mind raced. "He probably got tired of you and left you alone." The other half of my mind butted in. "Why would be just leave his own house in the middle of the night? That makes no sense something had to have happened to him!" My mind continued its own little war until-

"Hello Angel~" I let out a sigh of relief "Steven I was starting to get wo-" I turned around but didn't see Steven. They smirked at me and clapped twice. I spun around just in time to see a huge figure standing over me.

Then everything went dark.

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