Not Completely Alone

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h/l - hair length
h/c - hair color

Steven's POV

"Steven?" I looked up at y/n, trying to hide my concern, but I don't think it worked. Their confused face slowly morphed into a scared one. "What's going on?" Their voice was shaky, and filled with concern. I wish they didn't have to go through this. There's no doubt this is about that gem thinking i'm my mom. I never did tell y/n the truth about Rose. About how she was a war criminal that shattered Pink Diamond. I had a terrible feeling that they would find out very soon.

I put on a fake smile "Everything is gonna be fine." They looked me in the eyes, searching for any sign of a lie. For a second I though they caught my bluff, but they let out a small sigh of relief.

I slowly sat up, clutching my head because I felt like it would explode if I didn't. I could feel y/n help me up "Thanks" I mumbled. They placed a hand on the blue bubble we seemed to be trapped in as I tried to piece everything together. "What does Aquamarine want with us? She mentioned the Diamonds asking for us. Oh no... she's going to bring us to the Diamonds!"

"Wow you alright there Universe?" I looked at y/n's hand on my shoulder, tracing it back up their arm and up to their face until we made eye contact. "Y-yeah. All good." I tried to lighten the mood by laughing, but it came out nervous and fake sounding.  Their mouth twisted up into a little smirk "You wouldn't lie to me, would you Universe?" I gulped, feeling my face get hot. I felt terrible lying to them, but it was for their own good "Of course not." I almost convinced myself. "Good." They let their hand fall from my shoulder and slowly stood up. I did the same.

I lifted my shirt just enough to expose my gem, making sure there were no cracks or scratches. Then I focused on summoning my own bubble. Maybe if I could make it big enough, it would pop Aquamarine's bubble. I closed my eyes and focused all my energy on my gem, imagining myself summoning my bubble. This usually works, but this time all I managed to summon was a giant wave of heat and a shot of pain in my head.

I noticed my vision starting to go blurry, but I shook it off. Once again, I thought about nothing but my bubble. But just like last time my vision started to blur and slowly go dark. My head hurt like hell and my body felt weak. "Oh no..." (Fun fact: this happened to me the other day. I fainted and the people that saw it said that I said "oh no" before I fell😂)


"Oh no..." Steven mumbled. I turned around to see him slowly falling backwards. "Steven?!" I quickly grabbed him and laid him on my lap once again. I examined him to try and find out what was wrong. His face was as pale as Pearl, and he was burning up.  I gave him a small smack on the cheek, but he wasn't responding. I sighed "Stay hydrated kids."

Steven began to stir awake in my lap. "Don't b-break the fourth w-wall." He murmured and I mentally facepalmed. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"I thought if I could make a bubble big enough, it could pop Aquamarine's bubble." I sighed and ran my fingers through his soft, poofy hair. "You should rest up. Who knows what we'll have to face later."

"I guess..." He said like a toddler that just lost an argument. I felt something strange on his head while playing with his hair. I ran my hand over that one spot. Yup, there was a huge bump on the back of his. I guess I wasn't being gentle enough, because he hissed in pain. "I'm sorry! Does it hurt a lot?"
"mhm" He hummed, answering my question.

I parted his hair a little in the spot where the bump was to see that the area was all black and blue. I frowned, sorry that Steven was in pain. "You should rest."

"No way! I have to find a way to get us out of here!" He tried standing up, but he immediately fell back down. I placed his head back in my lap and he gave me an annoyed look. But when I started playing with his hair again, his face softened into a content expression. "I guess a few minutes wouldn't hurt."

I smiled at his childishness and began to hum. "Can you sing?" I looked down to see Steven with his eyes closed. "I don't think so... I'd probably make your ears bleed."

He let out a soft chuckle, shaking my legs a little. "I don't think that's possible." I sighed, giving in to his adorableness.


I don't wanna drive a fancy car today. I don't wanna ride in a red corvette.

I don't wanna jog my Saturday away. But I don't wanna go home yet.

Today is not the day to jump out of a plane. I don't wanna parasail or play roulette.

I was surprised when Steven started to sing along with me. He has a really nice voice.

I don't wanna risk it all or go insane. But I don't wanna go home yet.

I just wanna watch the birds go by. From my handy foldable blue canvas throne.

I wanna watch them fly and fly. And see them soar up into the unknown.

But i'd feel just like a nerd. Watching birds. Watching me here all alone.

I don't wanna break dance or learn tae-kwon-do. I don't wanna fish til all the fish are gone.

I don't wanna roller skate, even if it's slow. I don't wanna pass out in a marathon.

I don't like soccer, baseball track or field. I'm not up for a match of polo.

I don't wanna seek or try to stay concealed. I'm also not up for... water polo?

We giggled before collecting ourselves and continuing.

I just wanna watch the birds up there. Track the migratory patterns that they flow.

I wanna watch them from my chair. With my binoculars, my latte and my phone.

Trying to spot a lark. In the park. Parked in nature all alone.

Alone here with the doves. The sparrows, the ospreys. The owlets, the eaglets and my list.

It's just me and mr. finch. The robins, the kingfishers, the snipes. Though I heard they don't exist.

Each little species and it's little way can teach me what awaits if you can get away.

I wanna watch the birds do what they will. Sorry if i'm ornithologically prone.

I wanna watch from somewhere undisturbing. Quiet, calm, still. Sit right here and gaze at the unknown.

I don't wanna fly in sky, I just wanna be alone.

"Well not completely alone." Steven smiled up at me and I ruffled his hair.

"I just wanna be alone."


We sat there smiling at each other for a while. I found myself getting lost in his chocolate eyes. I noticed our faces were slowly getting closer and closer together and my face heated up. "Just do it!" A voice yelled at me as we kept getting closer. We were about to fill the gap between us but we quickly jumped apart when we heard someone clapping.

"Wow! Just wow! Absolutely adorable! I knew you two would be entertaining." I stared the little blue brat down. "Sadly, we just arrived on Homeworld." She pulled out her wand and used it to move the bubble. She flew up the stairs, carrying us close behind her.

"We mustn't be late! The Diamonds are expecting you~"

Hybrids (steven universe x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora