An Interesting Meeting.

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Hey loves! Before we continue with the story I wanted to give a huge shout out to reddie4evaeva666 for making this amazing concept art for y/n's mom, Purple Diamond. You guys should all go check out their stories they're really good!

 You guys should all go check out their stories they're really good!

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And now, where did we leave off?


Pearl led me down the long, cold hallways again. I ran over what I would say to the diamonds in my head. I was going to explain to them that I know who my mom was now and then... well I don't really know what's gonna happen after that. Fingers crossed it won't end in me or Steven getting killed.

Before I knew it, we were already there. My hands started shaking and were suddenly kinda sweaty. Pearl opened the door and moved out of the way. "I'll be waiting right here for when you finish my
y/n." She made a diamond shape with her hands and did a little bow. "That's new." I peeked inside and gulped. I couldn't see anything due to it being pitch black inside.

My feet felt like they were glued to the floor. This is it. Pearl looked up at me and noticed my fear. "It's going to be alright my y/n. I promise." She gave me a soft smile and my fear slowly disappeared. "Right! I got this!" I assured myself as I stepped through the doorway.

As soon as I did this, I realized that the room wasn't actually pitch black. There was just a black curtain in the doorway. I didn't really understand why that was necessary, but this was space so I didn't think much of it.

I continued rehearsing what I was going to say in my head as I pushed the curtain out of the way and stepped through. But as soon as I did this, I forgot everything I had planned on saying.

Sitting in 2 giant thrones were two giant ladies. "The Diamonds." I gulped. One was blue and had a huge blue dress on, sort of like the red one I saw in the dressing room earlier. She sat on a blue throne. Next to her was a huge yellow lady with a yellow looking helmet thing on her head. She sat on a yellow throne. Above them was a slightly bigger white throne, and below them were slightly smaller pink and purple thrones. All of these were empty.

I stared up at the two ladies in a mix of terror, awe, wonder, and for some reason, anger. I didn't know why, but they made me feel so... small. Well literally and figuratively.

Their giant, judgmental eyes scanned over me, seemingly picking out each of my flaws. I started to shake again. The silence was so thick it was suffocating. But thankfully it wasn't silent for much longer. Out of nowhere, the blue diamond let out a loud "Awwww!"

"Ummm... what?!"

"Yellow look at her!" She continued "Still so tiny!" The yellow diamond rolled her eyes, but still gave a small smirk. "Yes yes she's adorable. Now please Blue, we have business to attend to." Yellow crossed her arms and Blue nodded, placing her hands in her lap all professional like.

"Purple, we've already been through everything with Pink and she wasn't too happy about it, but please just let us get through this quickly." I nod my head to show that I understood, too scared to speak. Apparently, that wasn't a good enough answer "What did we talk about? Use your words when answering me." Her stern voice made me tense up. "Y-yes ma'am." A satisfied smirk appeared on her face.

Blue gave Yellow a disappointed look "Yellow, be nice! She probably doesn't remember the things we've taught her, just like Pink didn't. It's been so long..." She trailed off.

This part is for those who don't use she/her pronouns. If this doesn't apply to you you can skip this part or read if you want. When it's over there will be a ~~~~

I cringed at the pronouns she used. "Actually It's "him/them." The two of them looked at me with confusion written all over there faces. "Whatever do you mean Purple?" I bit my lip, trying to figure out how to explain this.

"Well I'm not a girl. So I don't use girl pronouns." That didn't seem to help. They now looked even more confused. I sighed "Instead of saying 'She/Her' please say 'he/him / they/them." There was a long pause of silence before Blue let out a little giggle and Yellow let out a scoff.

"Oh Purple, I've missed your little games." Blue said between laughs. On the other hand, Yellow rolled her eyes "We don't have time for these games."


Yellow, still annoyed, began to explain to me what would be going down from now on. "Purple, since you and Pink have seem to forgotten everything you've learned, we have no choice but to put you back in schooling. Your Pearl will tell you your new schedule at the beginning of every day. You and Pink will have your own classes together, away from all the lower life fo-"

I finally grasped what she had said "Wait! Pink? You mean Steven?! I get to see Steven again?!" Yellow balled her hand into a fist, clearly growing aggravated. "Do not interrupt me!" She spoke sternly theough her teeth. I immediately shut up.

Blue rested her head on her hand "Yes she did call herself 'Steven.'" She giggled "So silly. Do you have any funny new nicknames Purple?"

I quickly understood that she was asking what my name was. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm
y/n." Blue laughed again. It honestly hurt my feelings a little. "How silly!"

Yellow slammed her fist down into the arm of her throne. "Can we please get back on track?!" Blue stopped laughing and looked down at the floor. Yellow gave her a look that said "sorry" but quickly shook it off and looked back to me.

"For now, Pearl will take you back to your room and give you some food. Since you are part human you need to eat. We've gathered some fruit from the human zoo for you. Pearl will update you on your schedule i'm the morning. That will be all."

I stood there for a second, not really sure what to do. I looked between both of them waiting for one of them to say something else. Blue nodded towards the door and I got the hint, making a small "o" with my mouth. I quickly made my way back out, feeling kind of stupid.

When I walked back through the curtain, Pearl was waiting, just like she said she would be. She greeted me with a soft smile. "How did it go Purple?"

I didn't say anything. I don't know why, but the diamonds had this affect on me. They made me feel so dumb; so useless; so small. I wanted to answer Pearl but all that came out was "Umm..."

Hey loves! I know this story is starting to get reallllyyy confusing, so I thought we could have a little Q and A with the characters? If you wanna ask one of the characters a question, just comment on here the character and your question!

You can ask any character that's been in this book anything you want. You can also ask me something if you'd like.

Can't wait to see all your questions!

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