Chapter 2

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Ok so this is a little note. I kinda decided to write like 90% of the book in one sitting. Ik ik i probably should have worked on my homework but tbh, ehhh. So as of this moment I have 9 chapters written and that means I am at minute 55:26 of the movie out of 1:19:08. So it's pretty close to done. Now that does mean I could update most of the book right now. I don't really know what to do. Because if I do that then I would be able to publish and work on the next book faster. It's really up to you, what would you like? I'm not sure if people would like all the book at once or if they want chapters uploaded periodically. For the time being I'll keep uploading, maybe, every couple days to twice a week? If you want that to change please tell me and ofc I'll fix it.


"Therapy? Why the hell do I need therapy?" Y/n growled into her phone. She paced around her bedroom, too angry to squint when the bright light from her clear windows shone on her face.

A stern voice answered from the other end, "You attacked Damian. Whether you like it or not he's your teammate now and you need to be mature about it. Besides, it's only a couple of appointments over a few weeks, you'll survive. And I thought you liked Dr. Lamz? She's a sweet old lady and I thought we talked about this at your last physical therapy appointment?" He was referring to the small chip implanted at the base of her spine. While she was regifted with the ability to walk, it was required that she visit a doctor every couple of months or so.

Y/n ran her hand through her h/c hair, "Yeah, Oliver, but that was just talking. I don't need to see Dr. Lamz again because I don't need therapy. Even if I did, wouldn't it be a little too late? Considering how fu-"

"Okay," Oliver Queen cut her off. "I understand you may not like it, but Felicity and I are your parents and we decided." Y/n stayed quiet, not wanting to yell at her adoptive father. "Y/n, we love you and we know it wasn't the easiest thing moving over there. But your social skills have improved before your only friends were an elderly butler and a twenty-something-year-old man. Now you have other teens besides William to talk to."

"Yeah, but I actually like William. Everyone here sucks," Y/n flopped onto her soft (color) bed. The muted thump filling her body for the second she hit the covers. Thankfully her costume wasn't dirty so she didn't need to worry about her blankets. "Why do I need to wait six more months before I come back?"

Oliver sighed, "I know. But it'll be over soon. I need to get back to work. Are you going to kill Damian?"

"No promises." He laughed and Y/n smiled. She liked that she was able to make her family happy. And grateful she had a family to make happy. "Say 'hi' to Felicity and William for me. Love you." Her father said goodbye with a 'love you too'. Y/n hung up the receiver and groaned.

It had been a day since Dick dropped the newest edition to the Teen Titans off and the news of Y/n's "attack" spread around the League. Batman wasn't fazed and knew if she were to ever come in contact with her old...colleague, there were bound to be some sort of bruise left behind. When Bruce told Alfred what happened, the old man smiled and shook his head. After the years of her being moved, the British man could still feel her feistiness.

A knock on Y/n's door ripped through the air, along with an answer and the heavy metal door sliding open. "Hello, Y/n. I was wondering if you would like to chat," Koriand'r greeted. She was in her usual work attire, the purple is a little too much for Y/n's taste. "You're father contacted me about your mental health doctor. I just wanted to ensure you were feeling alright, given your outburst yesterday.

"Great, so he's telling everyone my business now?" Y/n rolled her eyes and sat up, resting her chin in her hands.

"Well, you did attack Damian. And as the leader of this team, it is my duty to check on the well being of its members," the alien stated. "And, if I'm being honest, I see myself in you Y/n. I do not feel we are very different."

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