Happy Holidays

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This isn't a part of the story, but I figured I should through you a bone. I havent finished the next chapter, I'm really sorry. I don't have an excuse, I've just been really busy and stressed. Family issues and school and anxiety are just bending me over, ya know? I'm going to try to get a few more chapters up before I return to school since I'm on winter break and have no homework. 

But I don't want to be mean so here is a holiday chapter. Now, I know I don't know all of your holiday traditions, so I'm not going to write anything religious, and as an atheist, I wouldn't know how to. Instead I'm going to try and make it more focused on the spirit of being with loved ones. I am sorry if it comes off as Christmas is the most important holiday, because IT ISNT. They are all lovely in their own ways so, I'm going to try and make it as broad as I can. Before I let you go, just wanna inform you I plan on actually posting on my Tumblr (hot-pocket01) and ao3 (Hot_Pocket02). My tumblr will have some stuff not posted on my Wattpad and just me being weird in general. Anyway, have a nice holiday and if you're on break, enjoy your time off!!


The holidays are meant for people to spend time with their loved ones. Some cultures light candles, smooth a green table cloth on the table, or huddle around a decorated pine tree. A time where people rush last minute in search of any acceptable gifts and try their best to guess what they will be given. The holidays were truly exhausting and at the Titans Tower, things were not any easier. 

Kori wanted to indulge in the holidays and make the most of it, it being Damian's first holiday at the Tower. She insisted everyone participate in the "fun" activities she has planned. The first was paper snowflakes. Raven used her magic to cut the paper, focusing on a book; Garfield's snowflakes looked as though they survived the shredder; Damian created one and left the room; Kori happily cut multiple unique snowflakes while sipping hot cocoa and humming. Jaime made a few before retiring to a video call with his family; Y/n couldn't find the right shape so she growled before giving up, and Dick happily made as many as he could alongside his girlfriend. 

The next task was building gingerbread houses, which did not end as nicely as the snowflakes did. Garfield turned into a mouse and ate the houses from the inside out causing everyone to groan and retreat to their bedrooms but Kori was not giving up yet. Her last idea were gifts. Not knowing or understanding the whole idea of a fat man sneaking into your house in the middle of the night, the alien princess decided to have people draw names out of a hat and the person you drew was the person whom you had to give a gift. (Dick told her that was the Secret Santa but she ignored him and continued on.) And when it was time to pick, Y/n got the short straw. She drew the one and only Damian. 

Y/n threw herself onto her bed, groaned into her pillow, and rolled onto her back. It had been a week since she got Damian's gift and her nerves had been building ever since. In the years they have known each other, Y/n have never gotten him a gift. The teen hero sat up and gazed at her drawer where the wrapped gift was hidden. A part of her wanted to give him the gift and get it over with, the other part wanted to find the nearest volcano and chuck it into the firey fits of lava. But she knew that wasn't allowed. Damn the holidays. She never enjoyed them, even after her adoption. To her the holidays were useless and a reminder of the times she was separated from the only family she had for so many years.

Closing her door behind her, Y/n moved to the kitchen where she was met with an almost too cheerful woman. Starfire was in her matching penguin pajama set, eating frosted cereal, and humming in delight. 

"Good morning Y/n," she smiled, wiping a drop of milk from her mouth. "How did you sleep?"

Y/n pushed past her and reached into the cabinet to grab her daily (coffee/teabag) and readied hot water. "You need to soundproof your bedroom." Kori tilted her head and set her bowl down. She questioned why Y/n would tell her to do so. Said girl poured her drink and glared at the alien. "Because when you and Richard have sex, none of us get to sleep."

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