Chapter 8

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So the first half of this chapter gets a lil bit.... nothing crazy, theyre still kids.

Y/n slowly opened her eyes as they adjusted to the lighting. She looked around and was in her room. She groaned and felt pain in her neck. Sitting up she grasped her neck and felt bandages. 

“You need to rest,” someone told her. It was Damian. He was sitting at the side of her bed with his arms crossed. Y/n opened her mouth to speak but Damian continued. “I’d advise you don’t try to speak. It’ll help you heal faster.” Y/n tried to think of a way to communicate without damaging her throat anymore. She didn’t have a pen or paper nearby. “I’ll tell you the basics,” Damian said. “You sustained damage to your throat. Nothing crazy deep but we gave you pain killers and stitches, the medicine might still make you feel a little cloudy. You’ll have a scar. You’ve been asleep for most of the day.”

Y/n sighed and rubbed her eyes. This was making things even worse. Her eyes lit up when she remembered something very useful. Turning to Damian she lifted her hands and began to sign. 

‘You still understand Sign Language right?’

Damian raised an eyebrow but was impressed at her overcoming the obstacle. “It’s been a while but I can manage.”

‘Is Bruce still unconscious?’ Y/n signed. Damian nodded. ‘Did they take Raven?’ He nodded. ‘Anything else I should know?’

Damian adjusted his seat. “We managed to get Cyborg but he’s still resting.” Y/n tried to clear her throat but it was obviously painful. “Here I got you some water,” he handed her a glass of water. Y/n moved to the edge of the bed and she drank tiny sips. Handing the cup back Y/n sighed and rested her head in her hands. 

‘What happened to Oliver?’ Damian looked at her and his expression held the answer. Once more she held her head and closed her eyes. She inhaled and tears brimmed her e/c eyes. 

Feeling like she would want to be alone, Damian got up and walked around the bed when a hand reached out and grabbed his wrist. He looked down and saw Y/n looking at him. Her eyes were glossy and red and her nose was turning pink. Y/n sniffled and shook her head. He didn’t need her to sign. She didn’t want to be alone. He sat down next to her, stiff, not knowing what to do. He looked down and she was still holding his wrist. 

She was holding in her cries and it pained Damian’s heart. He took her hand off his wrist and intertwined his fingers with hers. Y/n sniffled and watched as they held hands. 

'What about Raven?'

Damian was puzzled. "What about her?"

They locked eyes and Y/n leaned in, pressing her lips onto his. Once they seperated Damian looked at her. She has tear stains down her cheeks, her eyes were tinted red from crying, her nose was pink, and the ugly large bandage looked like it itched. 

Damian held her face and pressed his lips to hers again. Her hands snaked their way around the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. Y/n moved from sitting side by side with Damian to moving swiftly onto his lap. She was straddling him and he held onto her. It wasn’t sexual but romantic, they were basking in each other, letting all their frustrations go into their kiss. She ran her fingers through his soft jet black hair. 

Damian was unsure of what to do, so he just copied what Y/n did. He wrapped his arms around Y/n’s waist, pulling her closer but not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. It felt nice to have her be this involved with him. So nice, Damian involuntarily squeaked. Smiling, it Y/n’s turn to gasp and it was the loveliest sound Damian had ever heard. It hurt, due to the injury, but she thought it was worth it. 

They broke free to take a breath and looked at each other. Damian gazed at Y/n’s face. Her lips were pumped due to the kiss and her cheeks were red. Damian lifted his hand and wiped the leftover tears from her eyes. Her eyelids were half closed and was trying to catch her breathe.

“You should get some sleep,” Damian moved the hair off her forehead. Y/n lazily nodded her head and he helped her off of his lap and onto her bed. He lifts the blanket and covers her with it. Damian left the room and closed the door. He exhaled and had to think about what exactly happened. He needed to cool his head so he went to his room to take a shower. 

It was nine the next morning when Y/n woke up. She removed the covers and stretched. She reached into her nightstand drawer and wrapped her wrist, like she would any other day, and stood up. When she tried to yawned a pain shot through her neck and she remembered her accident. Looking around her room she saw a chair pulled beside her bed and thoughts of her...interaction with Damian popped up. Her face blushed as she remembered but knew right now was not the time. 


Y/n looked down at the thought of her lost father. 

Felicity! She must be worried sick.

Running to her computer Y/n opened the video call icon and rang her adoptive mother. It beeped once, twice, and the third time Y/n hung up. She didn’t think it would be a good idea for her mother to see her daughter with a throat wound, all the while her husband was missing.

She’s fine. William and her are fine. Y/n calmed herself down. 

She left her room and went down the hall, in search of the other Titans. She looked into their rooms but they weren’t there. Going into the kitchen she saw Garfield in his Beast Boy uniform eating an apple. 

“Hey,” he spoke to her with a mouth full. “Hoths thour throaf?” his words were mumbled. Y/n gave him a puzzled look and walked away, not feeling like dealing with him this early. Gar went back to eating his Honeycrisp.

Checking the front room she saw Starfire and Blue Beetle. They must be watching the two Justice League members on the couch. Batman had an oxygen mask on and didn’t look well. The same could be said for Cyborg. Star looked up and saw the girl standing there. 

“Y/n,” she flew over to her. “How are you?” Y/n signed that she was fine but the alien shook her head. “I do not understand you.”

“She said she’s fine,” Jaime spoke. The two girls looked at him. “The scarab translated,” he walked over to them. 

‘Can someone update me on what’s going on? What are we doing next?’

“Well, as you can tell, these two are out cold,” he pointed a blue thumb over to the heroes. “We’ve been taking turns watching them. We don’t know when they’re gonna wake up.” Y/n nodded and went to walk away.

“Where are you going?” Starfire asked.

‘To change into my uniform? What else is there to do?’ Jaime translated and Starfire shook her head. 

“No you are hurt, Y/n. You must rest.” Y/n looked at her clearly offended. 

Just when she was about to make her case Robin walked in with Beast Boy. “No, Starfire,” Damian intervened. “We are going to need all the help we can get,” he looked at her. “Are you able to fight?” Y/n was in pain, no doubt, but she nodded her head, determined to get her friend and father back. “Good, then go change. It seems like he should be waking up soon,” Robin gestured towards Cyborg who was stirring in his sleep.

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