Starting Line

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(Y/N)'s POV

Smoke filled my lungs while I ran around aimlessly. The heat was so intense that I could barely move. I kept coughing and coughing.

(Y/N): "Mama!! Papa!!!" My voice rang out. The blazes kept rising and rising. Where were my parents?!

Papa: "(Y/N)!!" Creaking came from above and I looked up. Charred wood fell from the ceiling. My eyes closed and I waited for the impact' but something pushed me and my eyes opened.

Papa had pushed me out of the way and the debris fell on top of him. Tear feel from my eyes when he was crushed.

(Y/N): "Papa no!!" I ran to him and knelt down. Small drops of blood left his lips. Although he was pinned and crushed he still held a smile.

Papa: "It's alright (Y/N)." He lifted his free hand and caressed my cheek. "Mama and papa will be right behind you."

(Y/N): "I don't wanna leave you papa!!!" More tears ran down my cheeks. I didn't want to leave them alone.

Papa: "It's alright my boy. You're strong. We believe in you." His hand was shaking against my cheek. "We love you son. Now go."

His hand fell to the ground and I ran away. The flames kept on rising and rising. I ran out of the door and the house collapsed. My heart broke while sirens blared in the background. Why did it have to be me?
My eyes opened to see the blank ceiling and steel beams. I sat up and rubbed my eyes of tears and sleep. Haven't had that one in a while.

It seemed like most of the people around me had woken up and went to get dressed. I decided it was best to do the same. When I got to the bathroom I looked in the mirror.

Had a couple bags under my eyes and they were red. The stall behind me opened up and I entered it. Took me a few minutes to change. After I changed I exited the bathroom and walked back to the cafeteria.

When I returned all of the sleeping bags were picked up and food was being served. I quickly grabbed a plate and walked around. Within minutes I found an empty table.

Yang: "Yo (Y/N)!!" When I sat down I saw Yang and Ruby walking towards me. They quickly sat down next to me and we ate. "Sleep well?"

(Y/N): "Got what I could ya know." The food here was delicious. Some would say it was perfection.

Ruby: "So what do you think initiation will be like?" Ruby was very energetic. "I hope we get to show off our babies."

Yang: "She means weapons." My shoulders shrugged and I continued to eat. A couple minutes went by and we finished.

Announcer: "Will all students please report to the cliff side." The voice echoed throughout the school letting everyone know.

(Y/N): "Guess it's show time." We all got up and walked out of the cafeteria. This should be interesting.

Timeskip - 2 Hours

We all stood atop the cliff in lines in front of jump pads. Why you may be asking? Because our headmaster is a fucking nut case!! A lot of people didn't like the idea and wussed out.

Yang and I were actually thrilled at the idea. Ruby however was a bit hesitant at first. After a bit of encouraging she got on the plate. Yang and I took our spots as well and waited.

We all nodded and were flung into the air. I unholstered Huǒyàn and switched to revolver mode. When I neared the ground I fried off shots in front of me and slowed my momentum.

I broke into a sprint when I touched the ground. Our objective was to get to the ruins at the end of the forest and retrieve a relic. My running slowed down to a gentle jog.

Flaming Passion (Male Reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now