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3rd POV
Mugs clanked across the table as people ripped into the wild game that Raven and somewhat of Danny brought back from the hunt. Everyone's plates were filled, all with the exception of Y/N, who only had a few berries that Danny found.
?????: why aren't you eating?
Y/N: not really hungry.
?????: bad luck not to eat on the first night, you need meat! No wonder you're so skinny.
Bandit: easy man, he did a lot of work today, he's probably just tired.
?????: no man can be tired of meat, eat.
Y/N: I'm fine....thank you.
He grabbed one of the berries and put it in his mouth, swallowing hard without chewing. His stomach could be heard growling as everyone looked at him.
Raven: Do you starve yourself?
Y/N: most nights.
He threw another berry into his mouth and swallowed hard.
Y/N: it's just easier this way.
?????: eat the damn meat!
Raven: who knows, it may make you feel better.
Y/N: I'm fine, I'm not really hungry, and besides, berries are healthy.
?????: but they lack protein bud, now eat some god damn meat before I smash your face into the pile.
Y/N: *sigh* pass the damn pidgeon.
Someone tossed a small cooked bird at him. Y/N picked it up and but down hard, tearing the meat from the bones. The moment he swallowed it was all over, he quickly covered his mouth and ran to the outside of the camp, his body wasn't used to the nourishment.
Raven: Vernal could you please go check on him?
Vernal: yes ma'am.
Vernal got up and walked to where Y/N was, who was throwing up hard. Some blood came from his gills he went at it so hard.
Vernal: are you ok?!
Y/N: I'm fine....just give me a few minutes.
Vernal: you have blood coming from your gills.
Y/N: it's nothing.
Y/N touched his gills and looked at the blood.
Y/N: it's the berry juice, must've got smashed up on its way down.
Vernal: do you need any help?
Y/N: water would be very nice please....and if you can find one, a mint leaf.
Red liquid dropped from his mouth.
Vernal: is that more of the berry juice?
Y/N placed his finger to it and looked at it.
Y/N: nope that's blood.
He stood up straight, his back cracking as he stood.
Y/N: well....that's new, and I'm normally the messed up one.
Vernal ran to the table and grabbed one of the mint leaves on the plate and his cup of water and went back to him.
Vernal: here.
Y/N grabbed both of the items, tossing the leaves in his mouth and chewing them. He then brought the cup of water to his mouth and swallowed hard.
Y/N: thanks....I feel much better....for once.
Vernal walked with Y/N back to the table where everyone watched.
Danny: are you alright?
Y/N: we all have our moments.

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