Camp Brawl

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3rd POV
Night fell over the camp, Raven has been inside it since she got back, she looked like she's been crying a lot. Y/N walked up to her cabin and went to knock, only to hear the sound of glass being thrown against the wall. He then backed away with the hoe over his shoulder and walked over to his small tent and cot.
Vernal: how is she?
Y/N: I heard glass break, didn't want to get too close. I can try and talk to her tomorrow, maybe see what the issue is.
Vernal: no offense, you're still new in her eyes.
Y/N: if it has anything to do with a daughter I might be able to help her atleast....not make more mistakes.
Vernal: well....goodnight Y/N.
Y/N: night Danielle.
Vernal: you did it again.
Y/N: what?
Vernal: you called me Danielle.
Y/N: sorry.
He then walked into the tent and went to sleep.
Y/N POV Dream
I woke up in a field, not something I normally see in my dreams. I looked to my left to see Aria and Danielle standing there with smiles.
Me: Aria! Danielle!
I ran through the field with a smile on my face, running towards them. A force field stopped me though, just a few feet from them.
Me: What is this?!
Aria:'s ok.
Danielle: no more pain.
Aria: but now is the time to move on.
Danielle: your mourning your life away daddy.
I went to my knees with my hand sliding down the force field.
Aria: live a little baby.....there's no need to live on in misery.
Aria and Danielle stepped forward and placed their hands against mine.
Danielle: we won't forget you, as you won't forget us.
Aria: it's not a sin to be happy Y/N.
I felt my eyes fill with tears as I planted my head against the field.
Aria: eyes up, you'll need it.
3rd POV
Dream End
Y/N's eyes shot open as he quickly sat up and thought about the dream. The face of his wife and daughter flashing in his mind brought him to tears before holding his head, holding back the emotion.
The next morning Raven woke up in her cabin to the sound of something getting hit hard.
Raven: just what I needed.
Raven got out of the bed and opened the door to see two of her men fighting, one decking the other in the face. Y/N got out of his tent, his hair a mess, and looked at the people fighting.
Raven: both of you knock it off!
They both stopped as she yelled out, Y/N walked over to everyone only to be tackled to the ground by the same man who tried to make him eat the meat some weeks ago.
?????: come on pal! Don't ya want to eat ye Meat?!
Raven: Wagu!
The man looked at Raven who was then decked in the face by Y/N.
Y/N: thanks.
Raven: clean yourselves up, and Y/N, come with me.
She walked inside her cabin and closed the door, after a few minutes she walked out of the cabin and walked with him, him completely ready.
Y/N: what did you need?
Raven: I needed to talk. Some small advice is needed for a....situation.

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