Academy Trip

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3rd POV
The Bullhead flew through the sky with many students crammed into it. They all got off to look around at the beautiful forest.
Glynda: this is the forest of forever fall, what you need to do is collect sap, enough so half the jar can go to you students and the other half to go for....other things.
Jaune: like what?
Glynda: Grimm like sweet smelling things, along with a lot of more darker things. So we take the chess pieces and dunk it into the sap and leave it there.
Ruby: oh, so that's why it's so sticky.
Ren: pause on that Ruby.
Ruby: what does that mean?
Y/N and Raven continued looking at the waterfall as it crashed down.
Raven: I really like this Y/N....shouldn't we head back to camp.
Y/N: could we please try for ten more's just..... wow.
Raven slowly moved her hand to his hand, he quickly looked at her.
Raven: you win on that one.
She then moved it back and looked out at the sun glistening off of the water.
Back at the FOFF.
Team RWBY went on their own and began collecting sap. Yang punched a tree hard, making sap come flying out of it.
Blake: are you alright?
Yang: not at all?
Ruby: what's wrong?
Yang: I saw....I saw my mother.
Ruby dropped her jar.
Ruby: you mean Raven?
Yang: bingo! She was like "I just want to talk", well where the hell were you 16 years ago bitch!?
Weiss: I assume you don't like your mother?
Yang: not! One! Bit!
Blake: you may want to take a deep breath Yang, we don't want to kill these trees, and your anger might cause Grimm to come.
Yang: alright....I can's just irritating when someone who's been away all of your life to suddenly come back and want to talk.
Weiss: did it seem sincere?
Yang: I don't even know anymore.
Ships off the coast of, mainly fishing boats, all waited for their daily catch. Thunder was heard in the distance, catching all of the fishermen's attention.
Guy: thought it was supposed to be a sunny beautiful day, what gives?
Child: weather changes a lot.
The high pitched bellow was heard in the distance, causing a massive silhouette to be seen with a bright yellow background.
?????: Wreeeeeeah
Guy: start the engine, we need to get to shore.
Child: what is it?
Guy: could be a new kind of Grimm, I don't know, but hurry!
The child ran to the engine and began to pull on it as the storms drew closer and closer. Three massive bolts of lightning came down and completely obliterated three ships.
Guy: Boy hurry up!
Child: I'm trying, the engine is jammed!
Guy: what?!
The massive silhouette flew over the hot and a massive lightning bolt shot from the sky, destroying the boat with the child and the father.
?????: Wreeeeeeah
The massive creature flew over the city of Vale, rain pelting hard on the windows. Ozpin sat in his office, watching the silhouette fly through the sky.
Ozpin: what is that?
A man opened the elevator door to go to Ozpin.
Ozpin: Qrow?
A tall man walked with his hands in his pocket.
Qrow: what the hell is going on out there?
Ozpin: I honestly....don't know. It can't be Grimm, nothing can or should be that big.
Qrow: should I call James? Maybe he might be able to help.
Ozpin: Qrow, I'll call him....would you be able to go to the forest of forever fall and help the students out of there before whatever that thing is attacks even more so? It's causing storms, all making ground strikes.
Qrow: I can do that.

Remnant's Last Alpha (Raven X Godzilla shifting reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora