A Year Later (The End)

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3rd POV
Y/N has slowly been getting closer and closer with Raven, he continued working at the camp, and the nightmares have slowed since Ghidorah has been defeated. Y/N lifted the axe over his head and slammed it down on a piece of wood hard, not getting any flashes from the past, from his mistake.
Raven: hey....how are you doing?
Y/N: I'm doing better....how about you?
Raven: same I guess, my daughter and I have been talking a lot more
Y/N: not bad, I assume she forgave you for leaving her?
Raven: it does look that way doesn't it?
Y/N: I honestly hope it works out for you two, I mean not many people get a second chance, especially at parenting.
Raven: hey Y/N, can I ask you a question?
Y/N: sure, what is it?
Raven: what was it like....becoming that creature?
Y/N: I felt like I could fight an act of God. Something not many people could even dream of. When I became it, I felt so powerful, so big, like I was the alpha male of a wolf pack.
Raven: that sounds cool though.
Y/N: stay in the spotlight too long though and you begin to lose yourself, I don't want to have to transform to solve my problems, I would rather deal with them myself.... the power does more than give you strength and power.
Raven: what does it to?
Y/N: it takes away your humanity, puts you on a path that is near impossible to come off of, even for the short time I was Godzilla I could feel the pride and power taking its hold, I needed to end the fight as quick as possible.
Raven: is that how you began to glow orange?
Y/N: that one was for a more personal reason.
He lifted the axe over his head only for his hand to be grabbed by Raven.
Raven: you know....if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you.
Y/N dropped the axe and placed his other hand in hers.
Y/N: I'd like that.

I hope you all enjoyed this story, I wanted to do something different for my 100th story, so I tried a story that only had one fight.
I have many stories planned for you in the future, but for the time being may I recommend you to any other of my stories that will be getting updated?

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