Military Assault

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3rd POV
Ghidorah looked at the jets flying by as the boats on the horizon fired off artillery shots, nailing its wings, putting some holes in its wings.
Ironwood walked through his base with Winter at his side.
Ironwood: how is it going with the assault?
Winter: the massive dragon keeps....healing.
Ironwood stopped as he grabbed the clipboard from Winter.
Ironwood: what the hell?! It heals!?
Winter: we keep aiming for the wings and they keep healing, I don't think we have enough fire power to do anything lasting on Ghidorah.
Ironwood: I still can't believe this thing is still around, I was just a rookie when news of a golden dragon was heard.
Winter: so you know some things about it.
Ironwood: only that shortly after it appeared another creature came from the ocean and killed the entire population on Infant Island.
Winter: shall I send a message out to Qrow about this?
Ironwood: no....he's not going to need it. He just needs to get students out of Vale, along with all of the civilians.
Winter: we're working the best we can, the issue is that we are stretched very thing.
Ironwood: I understand....are you sure nothing is hurting Ghidorah?
Winter: nothing at all, it keeps healing as fast as we hit it.
Ghidorah flew to into the city of Vale, landing hard and causing soot to fly through the streets, causing civilians and soldiers alike to fly through. The golden dragon roared as rain pounded the side of buildings hard and the lighting making ground strikes. Ghidorah looked over at Beacon Academy and growled.
Ozpin: well this can't be good.
The Bullheads carried students off of the academy platform and flew them to safer areas. Ghidorah roared as it charged at Beacon, moving as fast as it could. The pilots, even though they're still loading people, all took off.
Student: Wait!
Ghidorah charged and jumped at the academy, jumping on the massive platform and causing it to go lopsided.
Students were holding on for dear life as Ghidorah crushed some of them without a care in the world, all it wanted to do was climb Beacon and destroy it, having the high ground over the start of its new kingdom.
Ozpin: may the gods be with you all.
Ghidorah then, with all of its weight, crashed into the academy, causing the massive platform to fall apart, causing students to lose their grips and a massive object crashing into the city below, blowing more soot into the city, causing more civilians and soldiers to go flying. Ghidorah then spread its wings and let out a massive roar.

MeanwhileY/N's gills shot open as the roar echoed through the world again, he held his head in pain

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Y/N's gills shot open as the roar echoed through the world again, he held his head in pain.
Y/N: he's won something else! I can feel it.
Qrow: do you feel it?
Y/N: uh....well about that.
Raven: Y/N, want me to tell him, it may make him less angry.
Y/N: be my guest.
Raven: he can transform into a creature....the same creature that destroyed infant island.
Qrow looked at Y/N with rage in his eye.
Qrow locked you his fists and punched Y/N straight in the mouth.
Y/N: Son of a Bitch!
Qrow: you killed innocent people!
Y/N: I can't get them out of my head!...did he break my nose?
Raven: yeah.
Y/N: oh that's always fun.
Y/N grabbed his nose and turned it, fixing it.
Qrow: how can you live with yourself after doing that!?
Y/N: I was in just happened!
Qrow: bullshit!
Raven: Qrow! He hasn't transformed since then, he's made that very clear, in fact he made a promise to never change again.
Qrow: you ever change again and I'm going to break every bone in your god damn face!
Y/N: I figured as much....what are we going to do about these kids?
Raven: I know where to put them.
Raven opened a portal.
Raven: go through! NOW!
All of the students quickly got up and ran through the portal, all besides team RWBY.
Qrow: where did you send them?
TaiYang walked outside to see a bunch of students standing in his front yard.
Tai: are you friends of Yang or Ruby?

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