Chapter 9: Tactics

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3rd Person POV

„Zündung!"(Detonating) Blitz yelled as he detonated the breaching charge he placed on the front door and rushing in with IQ following him.

Bandit, who was waiting on the outside stairs, used this distraction as he heard some of the recruits talking inside about where the explosion came from. He quickly punched a hole in the barricade, which was put on the doorframe, and easily picked two of them off with his MP7.

Geist, on the other hand, took his time droning out the cellar. Luckily for him, the room he wanted to get in through was empty, so he took down the barricade trying to stay as silent as possible. „Alpha-five, going dark." he announced as he clenched his fist to activate the PCS.

Angel was setting her rifle up on the tower outside. She lay on her stomach, aiming down her scope at the various windows, which she had shot out, waiting for a recruit to show themselves. One stupid recruit peeked, she shot him in the head causing him to fall down and curse in agony from the practice shell.

After the four caused enough havoc on the upper levels Geist heard along as the recruits radioed one another telling them that every one of them would be up there and that some of them should get up the stairs so he hid in a corner waiting for everyone who went upstairs to be out of earshot.

Geist: „Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run" he started silently singing in the middle of the song.

„Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run

Bang, bang, bang, bang goes the farmer's gun

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run, run

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run

Don't give the farmer his fun, fun, fun

He'll get by without his rabbit pie

So run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run" he sang as he calmly walked around the basement. Nearly none of the recruits managed to stay at least somewhat calm.

Meanwhile, two floors above, Bandit managed to take out all the recruits inside the objective, but some still were in the adjacent rooms. „Watch out for the right window." he radioed Angel as he got into cover next to the doorway, leading into the loom room, in which some recruits were hiding. He readied a C4 and threw it in the middle of the room

„Fuck!" one of them yelled and ran right in front of the window. Two of them didn't get away in time when bandit blew it up.

Angel swiftly took out the recruit. The others were still in hiding, now from both her and Bandit.

Angel radioed Bandit, "C'mon, give me some targets mate."

Bandit: „There should be one crouching behind the soft wall leading outside. Maybe you'll get lucky."

She shot through the described wall and heard a recruit shout, "Fuck!".

"Danke." She said jokingly.

While they did their shenanigans, Blitz and Iq were clearing out the next room on the ground floor. Blitz peeked while behind his shield seeing two more of them, who directly started shooting at him, to no avail. One he could flash from the doorway the other not, so he went back and told IQ where the other was. When he went in, he instantly flashed the one nearest to him on the right while IQ pre-fired the other one from behind Blitz who then took out the other one.

Down in the cellar, Geist was now humming the melody, enjoying how it got the recruits on the edge. Schadenfreude we call it in Germany. They were sweating some even shaking and that was just about to get worse. He aimed his suppressed pistol, pulled the trigger... and everything went dark. He had shot out the light bulb. Now it was just easy picking for him, not even having to waste bullets and save the recruits some of the pain. At least physically.

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