Chapter 21: Awaiting orders

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Geist PoV / 2 and a half weeks after the villa operation.

Alibi: „You and your constant complaining. You're learning faster than most others. You like dancing like this, admit it. Especially if I'm this close to you." she whispered the last sentence in my ear as we were dancing yet again. This time not too a Walzer in particular - it was a more romantic song - but still the right tempo to dance to it.

I shivered a tad bit after she whispered that into my ear, making her giggle. But she wasn't wrong, which she could probably tell from the blush that I felt get to my cheeks, especially when she was wearing this dress.

She wore a fine and quite tight black dress and made me put on my formal uniform as it was the closest thing I had to a normal suit, insisting that if we learned to dance like this, when the clothes were quite limiting to our maneuverability, we'd be better off from the start.

Geist: „Perhaps." I answered with a grin.

Alibi rolled her eyes but kept her smile. „Well, I do." she said and put her head on my shoulder as we continued to dance.

Geist: „Ti amo." (I love you) I said, putting my arms around her waist.

She lifted her head, put her arms around my neck and looked me in the eyes. „Ich dich auch."(Love you too.) she said in broken german, which made me laugh a bit before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.


PSA: „All operators please report to the briefing room."

Everyone in the cafeteria got up, some taking another bite of their food, others who were already done, put their phone away, or not in Dokkaebi's case.

When we got into the room, some other ops and Harry were already sitting at their places at the table, probably discussing something off topic, judging from what I heard. It was unimportant.

Harry: „So, if everyone is here then we can start the meeting."

I looked around, but one seat was still empty. Jäger's.

Just as Harry wanted to ask where he is he ran through the door.

Jäger: „Bandit hat mir ein Bein gestellt!"

Bandit: „Das war rein aus versehen." (That was completely unintentional) he tried to defend himself but the smirk on his face gave him away.

Harry: „What did he do?"

Jäger: „He..." he paused trying to translate gesturing wildly while doing so. „Wie übersetzt man das??" (How do you translate that??) he asked us.

Geist: „Ähh... He made him trip?" I rather asked than responded, shrugging afterwards.

Harry sighed. „Bandit we're going to talk afterwards. Jäger, take a seat. Blitz, Geist, would you look out for the two?" he asked us as we were sitting to either side of them.

We both nodded. „Of course." I responded.

Harry: „Well then... After we managed to take the leader of the white mask prisoner, our other strikes teams started to notice that the white masks are getting more and more disorganized."

When he said that some operators started chattering. Pulse, Thermite, Kapkan, Frost, and Ash, who were the last ones on a mission told the others what they saw.

Thermite: „Before we even breached we heard them argue from inside."

Pulse: „Sounded like shit was going down, really."

Kapkan: „Their defenses were a complete mess."

Ash: „And when we got in, some of them didn't do anything. One even told us where one was hiding. As if it was nothing."

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