Chapter 18: The beginning of the end...?

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3rd person PoV / 6AM / Police station / Angel's room

Angel was making her room tidy and making sure she had everything packed. She was happy that she was going back home, but at the same time she felt guilty. Guilty because she was leaving suddenly for a reason that seemed so selfish, but she had decided and she was going back home.

Angel: "I'm sorry everyone..." She whispered softly to herself.

She took her suitcase, turned the light off and walked out of the room. From there she walked down the stairs and went outside where the taxi she called was waiting. She got inside and the taxi drove off towards the airport.

Blitz's PoV / 7:13AM/ Police station / Blitz's room

I woke up, having to blink a few times first as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight coming through my window, which woke me up in the first place.

As my brain slowly began to start up I felt something heavy laying on my arm. Or rather someone I found out after looking over.

IQ and I were cuddled up in my bed, but we still had our clothes on. Seemed like neither of us bothered to get changed yesterday.

I took my phone from the nightstand with my free hand, looking at the time. 7:14AM. A bit early but whatever...

IQ: „Guten Morgen." she tiredly said after I probably woke her up.

Blitz: „Morgen." I responded, nearly just as tired.

IQ: „Wie viel Uhr ist es?" (What time is it?) she asked, rubbing her eyes.

Blitz: „Viertel nach 7." (Quarter past 7) I told her, to which followed a sigh from her.

Blitz: „Willst du noch hier bleiben oder gehen wir frühstücken?" (Do you want to stay here or are we gonna go get breakfast?)

IQ: „5 Minuten noch..." (5 more minutes...)

3rd person PoV / 7:15AM / Airport

Angel had gone through all the security and was on her way to her flight. She handed over her boarding pass and walked down the tunnel into the plane. The flight attendants greeted her and she found her seat, her suitcase had probably been loaded into the plane by now so she just sat down and listened to some music whilst she waited for the plane to taxi onto the runway.

Angel thought to herself: "You will get to see Kirsten again soon, you will get to see home..."

She closed her eyes and just let her playlist play as people were boarding.

Blitz's PoV / 7:22AM / Police station / Cafeteria

We sat down at one of the tables and started to eat while doing a bit of small talk when I heard footsteps running down the hallway towards us. I turn around and see one of the guys from the forensics team we met when we went to the Chalet.

He stopped next to us. Still out of breath he starts to talk. „We... finally..." he takes a deep breath in. „... did it."

Geists PoV / 7:20AM / Police station / Geists room

I had been awake for a few minutes already butI was still laying in my bed. I was still thinking about what Angel told me yesterday. About that Aria and me. And if I would ever see her again or not.

If I would be an optimist I wouldn't have had to think about it. But my brain just wouldn't want it to be true, it seemed like.

I was always a realist. Many say that's not true and that I'm just a pessimist but for me that's just reality. Putting you down all the time.

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