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"I LOVE Christmas!" I squealed. Sitting in my living room in front of the Christmas tree, Hallmark movies on the tv, Casey and I were finishing wrapping gifts. Tomorrow was the 21st and Chris would finally be back. I had been on a high for the past few days in anticipation of his arrival.

"What did you get Chris?" Casey asked as she carefully applied a piece of tape to the back of a box.

"Well we had a 2 gift maximum but I didn't follow that."

"Of course not." Casey rolled her eyes.

"I got him some framed pictures of us."


"Thank you.  I got him a cashmere scarf. And the sunglasses, you were with me when I got them."

"A scarf?" Casey wrinkled her nose.

"Yes, it's cold in Boston and when I saw it I knew it would look super hot on him." I ignored Casey's disgusted look. "What did you get Joe?"

"Not a cashmere scarf." She teased.

"Ha, ha. Just wait till you see it. I bet Joe gets jealous."

"We'll see. Are you coming over Christmas or are we just going to see you Christmas Eve?"

"Not sure. With Chris's family here I don't know how the day will go. But you guys are definitely coming to Mom and Dad's Christmas eve party, right?"

"Of course."

My mom and dad always have a huge Christmas Eve party. It started out small when I was younger but grew each year. Now there is always so many family and friends at their house. There's no official start or ending time. People stop by throughout the evening. It's become one of my favorite traditions.

I met Chris at the airport the next day. Holiday traffic caused me to be late and when I arrived I found him waiting for me at baggage claim. He had his back to me and so I snuck up behind him slipping my hand over his eyes.

"Guess who?" I whispered.

He spun around with a wide smile, "How'd you do that? I've been looking for you!" His lips met mine for a heated hello kiss.

I had to pull away afraid I'd be unable to stop even in front of an airport terminal of strangers.

"Sorry I'm late." I tried to discreetly wipe my mouth.

"That's ok. I've only been here about 10 minutes." He shrugged.

We went straight to his house where I wasted no time jumping him the second the door was shut.

"I'm so glad you're home." I sighed contently later that night as we laid in his king sized bed.

"Me too babe." He kissed my forehead and I snuggled up next to him wrapping my leg over his. He grabbed the remote and flipped through the stations stopping on 'Terminator.'

"No way." I shook my head reaching across him for the remote.

"I'm not watching another Hallmark movie. Harp you've seen them all."

"It's 4 days before Christmas! I'm not watching Terminator." I refused.

Chris glanced down at me. I stared back at him not giving in.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes, "But no Hallmark." After a moment he stopped on 'Christmas Vacation'. "Now here's a classic. Shitters Full!"

"I'll take it I guess. At least it's Christmas."

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