02 : HERE

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"there's no place i'd rather be,
than where you are."

- paul jason klein.


the world welcomes me with open arms.

i inhale the fresh air that are swaying on the green trees. the world seems happy today. the sun is up shining and beaming. the skies have this blue and orange hues and of course, the people are scattered into million little pieces having fun.

i heave a sigh.

with some white t-shirt on, black ripped jeans, and timberlands, i make my way on seulgi's flower shop. when i entered the familiar store, i feel a sudden tug of emptiness.

i look around and my eyes landed on the counter, empty.

guilt swims on my mind.

a girl appears on one of the sections of the flowers. she blushes once she saw me, i clear my throat when i feel a little awkward and she snaps out of it.

"oh hi sir, i'm kim jisoo. how may i help you?" the girl-- jisoo says.

my heart coats itself on a word called, guilt.

"where's seulgi?" i ask, trying to look like i don't know where she is. jisoo widens her eyes, making her way to the counter.

"s-she passed away about a week ago," she looks at me, "i took her place temporarily because her--" a pause, "our family is busy finishing her burial up, so..." she starts fidgeting, "how may i help you sir?"

"oh uh yes, call me jungkook and i just came here to get some sunflowers." jisoo nods her head, walking out of the counter again before disappearing in the section of sunflowers.

i take a deep breath.

god, it hurts.

i close my eyes but all i can see is that moment replaying over and over and over again.

"kook! you're back. lemme guess, some sunflowers again?" seulgi laughs, "you know me so well huh" i giggle before following her to the sections of sunflowers.

she grabs some sunflowers, handing it to me. i smiled and was about to fish out my wallet when she halts me.

"it's okay."

"no i insist--"

"jungkook, you have been my customer and also my friend, go on."

"really? thank you so much seul-" i met her eyes.

fire, candles, burn, death.

"are you okay kook?" i almost drop the sunflowers, i look away from her eyes, before running out of the store.

and i regret that.

"sir jungkook?" i open my eyes and met jisoo's, she's holding the sunflowers. "t-thank you" i grab the bundle of flowers from her hands and paid her the right amount of money she needs before storming off.

once again this earth welcomes me but this time, it doesn't feel so good like the last time. i made my way on the cemetery.

here we go again.

the graveyard seems quiet but something inside me is saying that i'm not alone. i look around and saw no one, just a girl with some chocolate hair sitting on the grass at a certain tombstone, i shrug.

when i found her tombstone, i sigh. sitting and placing the sunflower on it. i said the two nitter words out of my mouth.

"hey mom."

Kim Joo Hyun
August 13, XXXX - August 13, XXXX
you will always be loved.

"it's sad that you died on your birthday mom." i mumble through the emptiness.

my heart feels like a hollow auditorium, how i wish i can sing out this pain.

"i still can't find her mom," i pause "where is she? can she still remember me." i carefully trace my mother's name on the carved stone.

"maybe i should just give up huh--"

lavenders green dilly dilly, lavenders blue.

someone hums, that is so, too familiar.

i eagerly look in front of me and saw that girl. her back is facing me, but her long chocolate brown hair tells me that she's crying. my eyebrows furrow.

could it be?

you must love me dilly dilly, for i love you.

"what are you singing chae?" i ask. we're walking down the park hand in hand.

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen i feel my heartbeat exploding.

"my mom taught me that song when i was crying one night and it calms me down." she blushes, "mommy said i should sing it to someone i love," she smiles at me her eyes disappearing. "that means kookie, i love you!"

"jungkook?" i snap out of it. i stare at the girl who is now in front of me. and no, it's not the chocolate-haired girl,

it's jisoo.

"h-hi!" i awkwardly smile at her.

"sorry to interrupt sir--"

"don't call me sir." i politely say, "please sit down." i pat my seat beside me which she gladly obeys. "h-here," she hands me some coins, "the flowers only cost 165won you gave me 200." i smile, "thank you jis."

she blushes at the nickname.

i look at the chocolate haired girl again.

fuck it can't be her, can it?

her body trembles, i know she's crying. "i'm sorry mom, i'm not thankful."

t-that voice.

seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty my heart explodes.

she's here.

i wanna cuss, cry, and smile. i wanna hug, kiss and every possible things with her.

i was about to stand up when i realize i have another company beside me and the chocolate-haired girl starts to speak again.

"i wish i never got to see," a long dreaded pause, "your future."

that's all it takes for me to know.

that you're here. infront of me.

HE REMEMBERS.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang