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"he remembers her eyes,
her smiles, her laughs, and her soul."

- minmin


there are somethings we wish that they never happened at all.

we sometimes wish that we have a restart button, so we can forget about the pain, the memories, and the past.

but frankly, they're a part of us.

remembering is not a bad thing. remembering can hurt, yes, it'll hurt a lot.

but we have to pick out the purpose of it. the purpose of our memories.

jungkook looks at her eyes, one by one chaeyoung's tears fell down on his cheeks. he wished he could reverse it.

"jungkook, hang in there, okay?"

he can feel himself falling apart, drifting. destiny gave them a chance to see each other again, but only, in a short span of time. jungkook can't breathe, his heart hurts so much.

he never asked for this life. he never asked to be an illegitemate child. he never asked to be like this. he never asked to have this gift.

he never asked for her to be hurt like this.

he does not want to go yet.

he does not want to pass away.

he does not want to see her moving on, without him by her side.

he does not want her to be happy without him by her side.

but life just don't work that way.

you can't go back.

jungkook knew that he will die. because he saw it in her eyes.

his mother told him that, he can see deaths.

he can see how they will die in just a blink of his eye.

he never knew when, cause he can only see their deaths if they're close to dying.

jungkook never liked it.

he saw his own death on the eyes of the girl whom he loved the most.

and what hurts the most is,

he can't do anything about it.

building a time machine wouldn't help. avoiding it wouldn't help.

but facing it, is the right thing to do.

dying in her arms. she's screaming. crying.

when he will die,

chaeyoung will not be okay. jungkook can imagine how many times she will cry on her sleep. blaming herself.

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