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Chapter 6 – The Heart Remembers 2.0

Flashback Continues

Arnav's POV

I looked at a picture of me and Khushi, that she had just shared with me along with a message : Oh I forgot to share this with you yesterday Arnav,it's a lovely picture.

I quickly messaged back : And I couldn't agree more, and how far along are you? Im hungry, Khushi.

I got a quick reply.

Khushi : 5 more minutes. Why don't you go ahead and place the order, we will save time,I am in a rush,and you know what I want, don't you?

I smiled as I read that.Ofcourse I knew.

I replied : it's the turn of Waffles today, isn't it?

Khushi : you know me! And Ill be there soon, sorry to keep you waiting, you know I hate too!

Ofcourse I knew she hated being late.She was always on time for everything,99 percent of the times.I quickly called out to the server , and placed the order for our breakfast.

I returned my attention to my phone in the meanwhile, and I smiled as I looked at that picture again.It was a very nice picture of me and Khushi, as we sat on the bench of the basketball court where we'd first met,and we were both exhausted after our match with the kids from the orphanage.But I was happy because our team had won, and that was what the grin was on my face was about, and Khushi was looking at me sideways with a huge smile on her face too.

I smiled again at the memory, Khushi was always very gracious in defeat. She would give it her all, but if she didn't win, she didn't make a fuss and cry about it, she would just accept it graciously and congratulate the opponent for playing better, which in the case of the picture was me.

And I am very much the opposite on that note, because I was a sore loser.

I couldn't believe it was already a month since Id started dating Khushi.I'd never dated anyone for so long, because with my philosophy of No strings attached, a month was also way beyond the time allowance,which my mind would give me, and I also hadn't met anyone who could hold my interest for so long. However, with Khushi, it was different, because I genuinely enjoyed being around her so much, that I couldnt let my mind complain about the fact that the Time was flying around at the speed of light. For once, I was just letting things flow with their own pace, because my interest in her was definitely increasing day by day. It was like the more I got to know her, the more I liked her.

Strange, now that I think about, there wasn't a thing about her, that I didn't like.

And I shouldn't even get started on, how physically attracted I was towards her.Id never wanted anyone so badly as I wanted her,and I stopped my mind from treading to the thoughts that it imagined in the moment in that refrence, because unlike all my other strings in the past, where it was mostly my physical need,I also had my emotions in the picture. And so I was being careful , no matter how difficult it was for me, because I knew that Khushi had never really dated anyone else in her Life.This was all new to her, and I respected the time and pace she needed, because I cared about her.

While I was deep in thought, I finally spotted her walk towards me with a huge smile on her face. A smile that just lit up my world as usual, and I smiled back, before I got up to pull her into a brief hug and then pecked her on the lips, and she cupped my face as she kissed me on the cheek – " hey, look good for someone, whose been up all might, working on submissions...Harvard makes you work too hard, but then again, duh..its Harvard...", she finished with a wink, and took a seat opposite me in the booth.

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