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24 Hours Later – On Sunday Morning

Khushi's POV – 830 AM

My eyes are about to flutter open due to the lack of warmth, and my hands automatically search for Arnav next to me, and I groan because I don't find him and I am lying down upside down on my stomach ,and I finally turn around and open my eyes as I sit up in bed, and I see him standing right in front of me, dressed in his tracks but bare chested and with two cups in his hand, and he has this very amused expression on his face and I know why because, he was probably standing right there in front of me, whilst my hands were frantically searching for him next to me, in my sleep.

He grins as he comes to sit next to me and I adjust the duvet cover to cover up my upper body now, and I run a hand through my messy hair to straighten them and he hands me my cup of tea as he kisses my forhead – " goodmorning, my love.."

And I grin as I sip my tea and I say honestly – " you are spoiling me way too much, my love.."

He chuckles at that as he sips in coffee and I adjust the duvet cover against my upper body and tuck it under the side of my arms properly, and he looks at me with so much love as if his ears just processed what id called him,and our eyes lock and he asks softly – " wait what?? Did you just call me, my love??"

I grinned – " yes..i love..",and I gave him a mischevious wink as I sipped on my tea.

He admitted softly – " you drive me crazy.."

I grinned and I winked – " I know right, about time I returned the favour, Mr Raizada.."

He chuckled at that and then he sipped his coffee as his hand reached out to catch on my other free hand as he spoke lacing his hand through mine – "just so you know,after the last two nights with you.. im never going to be able to get a good sleep without you in my arms khushi.."

I nod as I say softly – " I know what you mean..i honestly feel very much the same,however we do have to get on the flight to go back this evening..and then this networking breakfast event before everyone leaves, but anshul and everyone else is leaving by the 2pm flight so I guess they will leave for the airport after the breakfast event..because of traffic.."

He nods as he sips his coffee – "but I am glad we do have some time after that breakfast event, how about we go around, explore a little, apparently there's good area nearby , and we can come back here for lunch, and then pack and leave for the airport, and whilst we are out maybe we can get some little gifts for Myra and Atharv that you can stock and keep and give them later on , in installments, and I also want to buy you a gift'v never let me gift you anything, ever.."

I fall back in the pillows and I look at him and I say honestly – " you don't have to gift me anything Arnav.."

He sips on his coffee as he looks at me straight as he says – " all I want to do is, buy you one sarree, khushi..thats all.."

I look at him amused – " really???you want to gift me a saree?"

He nods as he says – " yes..its is one of my favourite garments khushi.."

I nod as I say – " ok fine..but only one though..and not very expensive, please.."

He nods as he says – " yes yes,I know that..",and he grinned – " so it's a plan then??"

I nod and I grin too as I admit honestly – " im just happy to have this time with you..i swear to God, I have never been I'd like to thank make me feel like im walking on a platter of paradise Arnav.."

The Chaotic Wires of Love **COMPLETE**Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα