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Chapter 15 – That Unfinished Business between of You and Me!

A Day Later – Tuesday Morning – 8.15 AM

Arnav's POV

I smiled, as I looked at the faces of my family members as we ate breakfast, our usual morning schedule, started with dining together, and I took a sip of my coffee, as I looked at Mira, my little niece sitting in between Payal and Akash, and the two them continued to shower her with all the love, as she ate her breakfast, and the sight warmed my heart.

I looked up to see Di walk in through the doors, with a smile on her face as she hugged my dadi, and dadi kissed her forhead – " good to see you beta, come on join us ..."

Di smiled – " no dadi, I already ate with Shyam and shiv,anyway, im just here for a quick stop, I have lots of work lined up I was thinking of going to office with Chotte today..". Di headed the corporate social responsibilities for Raizada Industries, and also looked into the NGO's that we supported. I knew why di was here, she wanted to talk to me,I had messaged her late last night before id slept that Khushi had finally responded to my email.

And she quickly hugged Akash and Payal, kissed Mira on her cheek,and took a seat next to me.

And right then Payal got up , holding Mira's hand as she spoke – "cmon beta say bye to everyone, we are going to get late for school otherwise.."

Mira bounced off her seat and walked up to all of us one by one and kissed our cheeks,and she paused in front of me, and she gave me two kisses on either side of my cheeks,and I grinned as kissed her forehead and winked at her – " tell your papa, that im your favourite.."

Mira chuckled as she grinned – " he knows..",and she paused as she leaned into my ear and she whispered – " have a good day,ASR.."

She had asked me one day months ago, why people in office called me that. And when I had explained to her that it was just short name for my initials, shed asked if she could call me that in secrecy. Ofcourse I had agreed. I doted on her.

I grinned – " I surely will, and you too ok, have a good day at school.."

Mira – " I will...."

Akash spoke – " ok everyone, I'll get going now, I'll drop Mira off at school,and then Payal off at her college, and bhai ill see you in office, and thank you for stepping in for me at this project with Balance, iv just been so wrapped up with this other deal.."

I gave him a smile – " no worries Akash, im more than happy to step in..". It was true,I was more than happy.

This had connected me to Khushi.

Mira looked at her mother – " ok so muma, what are you going to teach your class today?"

Payal smiled at her daughter – " well, you are too young to know Mira, but lets just say some theories and math, all boring stuff..its you who is going to be doing all the fun stuff...",and we watched the three of them leave.Payal was a economics professor at Lady Sri Ram College of Commerce, DU.She loved what she did, and our family was very happy to encourage her to continue with her passion.

Dadi looked at me and then gestured me and di to walk with her to her room.

And we did.

Dadi looked at me as she sipped her tea, from the cup in her hand, and placed it on the side table and sat in her favourite armchair in her room – " you look better today, Chotte,the smile is finally reaching where it should..."

Obviously, my grandmother had the eyes that saw right through us. But the thing I loved about her was that she would silently just observe and not push any of us into talking, until we were ready to talk it out.

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