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Chapter 22 – From My Heart to Yours And From Your Heart to Mine

Khushi's POV

He couldn't stop kissing me.

I couldn't stop kissing him back.

He'd pushed me into the sofa long ago, and was on top of me, and my legs were entangled around his waist, as we both let raw passion take over.

A lot of minutes had probably passed already, but I didn't care about anything else right now, all I cared about was this moment in time that belonged to only him and me.

He continued to kiss me madly as his one hand wrapped around my waist, and his other hand cupped my face tenderly and caressed the side of my cheek and ran down the nape of my neck ,and then found their way into my hair as he continued to dominate over my lips, in this deep passionate kiss, that was driving me insane, and I could only give in to it and kiss him back, madly too.

He'd wanted to kiss me, and I didn't want him to stop, and everytime I whispered his name in between as I paused to catch on a breath, his lips closed over mine almost immediately silencing me with another passionate kiss, like he'd said he would.

I was lost.

I wanted to be lost.

The minute his lips had touched mine, as he had held me shoved against the door of my room, I had lost my every ability to think straight.

And all that pent up emotion, all that love that had been hidden in deep corners of my heart finally barged its way out.

And I couldn't stop the flow of emotions.

I couldn't.

And I was not going to.

I had officially shut down my very own mind in the moment.

Because this was a moment that belonged to our hearts and that hidden longing in our beings that we had been secretly guarding in deep corners of our hearts.

I was finally giving in to my emotions, and flowing with whatever my heart was guiding me to do.

I was going to deal with our minds later.

But for now, I needed this probably as much as he needed it.

And that is why, I continued to kiss him back, madly, a part of my head completely surprised at this explosion of passion from within me, but then again, my heart wasn't really surprised at all.

It knew.

I had my hands around his neck and my fingers laced into his hair through the nape of his neck and I could only pull him closer into me, in the moment that was creating a havoc on my being.

I was drowning again into those chaotic whirpools.

I continued to kiss him back, trying to dominate his lips, wanting to pour in every hidden emotion into the kiss that was now destroying me, bit by bit.

His hands tightened around my waist possessively as his lips duelled mine in raw passion, over and over again, and it was only because I needed to breathe that i finally broke apart and looked onto his face, and his eyes were still closed, and the emotion on his face, moved me and right then he opened his eyes to look into mine, and I could see right through it all, all that hidden longing, all that love, that had been lost over time, and I spoke cupping his face and caressing his cheek gently – " Arnav..i..."

But like every time I took his name he silenced me with a kiss and his lips were immediately over mine again, and i found myself giving into another deep kiss.

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