6 - Make me ill

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6 - Make Me ill

Gerard was drunk for the show that night, but he wasn't on any drugs, so all in all it was a marked improvement than usual. He sung more coherently, and the band felt more unified in their performance. Sure, his pants fell down a bit at one point and he did stumble over an amp, but all in all he didn't really miss a note. 

And best of all, Frank was back to their normal interactions. During I'm Not Okay, Frank stood up on an amp and leaned against him whilst he played, and Gerard happily leaned into it, playing with Frank's hair. Then, instead of yelling his 'trust me' line, Frank grabbed him by the neck and kissed him. It only could've lasted a few seconds, but it felt like longer and yet over too fast for Gerard's liking. One moment Frank's mouth was against his, and the next he had flung himself back across the stage and was on the floor, playing his heart out. He never stuck around to make eye contact afterwards, but Gerard was kind of relieved about that because he knew he was probably pulling a dumbstruck expression. 

He'd seen Bert briefly earlier and he'd said he couldn't make the show that night - something about an interview he was doing, so he figured he'd go find him afterwards. 

"I think we're all gonna go have a beer at one of the nearby bars" Frank had suggested when they got offstage "if you wanna join us."

"I've gotta go swing by Bert's bus but I'll catch up with you guys later" Gerard nodded, still tipsy but in control of himself for once. 

"Okay, just give me a ring if you need me" Frank nodded before heading off with the others, leaving Gerard to amble over to the Used's tour bus alone, still high on adrenaline from the show. The cool night air was refreshing against his sweaty skin, and he pushed his hair back, shrugging off his stage jacket and just wearing his shirt and red tie, which he loosened. 

He didn't bother knocking, he just hopped onto the tour bus without much thought, and was surprised to see nobody in the living area. Maybe they'd all gone out for drinks too. There was some sort of muffled noise coming from the back of the bus though, so he made his way down past the bunks and opened the door to the back room without much thought. He figured Bert must have wrapped up his interview by now, and was probably getting his own party started in the back room. 

He'd expected to walk in on Bert maybe getting high, or drunk, or somewhere between the two, but he certainly hadn't expected to walk in on him receiving a blow job from some random reporter-looking dude with short blonde hair. He was vaguely aware of the lines of coke on the table and the reporter's notes that had been abandoned at their feet, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene on the sofa, on his sort-of-boyfriend's face as he gasped and moaned and grabbed fistfuls of the guy's blonde hair. 

They didn't even see him for a moment, so they must have been fucking high, and when Bert blinked a few times, obviously trying to focus his gaze, he eventually saw Gerard frozen in the doorway, the horror evident on both their faces as they took each other in. 

"Gee, baby" Bert immediately shoved the guy away and tried to pull up his jeans, fumbling messily with the zipper. The guy just looked confusedly between the two of them before seeming to recognise Gerard "I thought you - your show - I -"

"The show finished" Gerard had to concentrate on not letting his voice crack, but it was so fucking hard not to cry right now. He bit the inside of his cheek and balled his fists, trying to blink back the tears "but I guess you have better things to do than come watch it, huh?"

"No no it's not like that" Bert stood up and stumbled over to him, grabbing him desperately by the hand "it was an interview, I promise, we just got so fucking high and one thing lead to another, I know I fucked up-"

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