〰Chapter 2〰

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It started off with subtle things.

Harry would tell Malfoy 'good night' or 'good morning.' The shock on the blonde's face was evident the first time Harry asked him how his day was. Slowly they started having small talk about little things that probably didn't even matter but that was ok because as long as the Slytherin smiled, Harry was ok.

They went as far as even studying together. Harry couldn't possibly explain these feelings he kept experiencing around the blonde and quite frankly he wasn't sure he wanted to find out. It was times where Harry was struggling with his homework and his roommate had to help him out that Harry's stomachs flip-flopped. It wasn't the fact that it was homework that was exciting but it was because Harry couldn't quite comprehend what was going on and Malfoy had to sit down beside him and demonstrate the charms that Harry's insides twisted and turned.

Times like at the moment.

"I just don't understand!" Harry grumbled for the 30th time, "Why would someone make a potion to show the smell of the one they desire and not a potion that shows the person itself?"

Malfoy rolled his eyes, "I don't know! Why don't you ask Merlin himself, I'm sure he'll have an answer."

Harry smiled at that.

"Now Potter, again this potion..." Malfoy started but Harry never heard the rest because he was focused on the blonde's pale features as he looked down at their textbooks and explained.

"Why do you always wear that beanie?" Harry asked suddenly.

The blonde looked up, eyebrows furrowed, "Sorry?"

"Oh, I mean it's always the same one. It's uh a little torn and tattered too." Harry gestured to the gray article of clothing.

Immediately the blonde's face hardened and Harry could tell he said something wrong.

The blonde shrugged, "I don't know."

Harry, however, was not fooled. He knew that the Slytherin always chewed on his bottom lip or fiddled with the hem of his shirt whenever he was nervous.

Harry awkwardly sat there pretending to read his textbook for a while.

"During the war," Malfoy started talking, his gaze fixed on the floor.

Harry looked up and waited for him to say more.

"I had a house elf and I didn't, well I wanted to free her. S-so I took the first article of clothing that I saw and handed it to her, which just so happened to be this beanie." The Slytherin took off the gray beanie and held it close to him.

"Father found out and he was furious. H-he has his own way of er, um disciplining me. Merlin, who knows how long I was in the dungeons." He ran his hand through his blonde locks as he said the last part.

"By that time I was sure Nilly, my house elf I mean, was gone but I couldn't have been more wrong. F-father threw her lifeless form down the dungeon's stairs to my feet then walked away. Father must've done something because she was so bloodied and bruised t-that I-I just..." the blonde stopped, taking a deep breath to compose himself.

"Still, she held onto the beanie. The holes were already there when I decided to keep it before burying her."

Harry waited for Malfoy to say more but the blonde merely brought the gray beanie up to his face and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes but Harry didn't miss the tear that slid down his cheek.

The story had come as a shock to Harry but he soon learned that the blonde was more than what he thought he was. He started knowing a bit about the Slytherin's childhood and about how his dad wasn't the kindest person out there. Of course, the blonde never went in detail in what his father did but Harry had his suspicions.

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