〰Chapter 3〰

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A Hogesmade trip awaited the students of Hogwarts a week later, bringing Draco to where he was now.

Draco had always had a sweet tooth, sometimes it was too sweet, but it was the reason he was in Honeydukes now, browsing through the shelves. He had already picked out a strawberry mousse choco ball and a sugar quill and was merely looking at the new products that were currently on the market.

He was about to leave when he saw a brightly made sign. The design was so familiar that Draco was lured to it.

'Chocolate rose! Each petal is a different flavor!' Was written on it.

Draco proceeded to read the various variety of flavors and soon felt his mouth start to water. Father would probably have scolded him for wanting such a feminine product but at this point, he just didn't care.

Much to his disappointment, he found out that there were none left. In their place were just empty boxes. He sighed when something caught his eye.


On the top shelf was a perfectly wrapped chocolate rose. Draco knew there was no possible way of reaching his desired sweet, so he put aside his sugar quill and choco ball aside on a random shelf and looked for a way up.

He grabbed onto the highest shelf he could reach, wedged his foot onto a sturdy shelf at the bottom, and hoisted himself up. With one hand he reached up, higher and higher until he finally felt the packaging. He wrapped his hand around it but it fell onto the ground, much to his dismay, and he felt himself tripping and falling.

Draco shut his eyes, waiting for the hard impact of the floor but it never came. He opened his eyes again and looked up to see familiar emerald eyes looking back at him.

"Very graceful, Malfoy." Potter said, smiling.

Draco realized that his roommate had caught his fall and he still hadn't let go of him. The blonde pushed out of the stronger boy's grip and automatically went to fix his beanie, internally groaning on how Potter was always there.

Before he even saw, Potter had reached down, grabbed the chocolate rose, and handed it to him.

"Right, thanks." The blonde said, a blush sprouting onto his cheeks but thankfully, Potter didn't comment on the feminine like product.

Potter nodded and smiled before saying, "My friends and I are going to the Hogs Head in a couple of minutes, do you want to join us?"

Draco snorted and shook his head, making his way over to check out.

"I don't think I'd ever survive in a room full of lions. Plus, I don't think your mates would exactly be very fond of me being there." Draco said, looking back at the Gryffindor, "But um, thanks for the offer."

Potter nodded and followed him over to the cashier and they waited patiently for the person in front of them to finish.

"Oh hold on, I'm going to go grab a sugar quill for Ron, give me a second." The jade eyed boy said before heading off in the direction of sugar quills.

Draco then realized that he didn't have his other sweets with him, only the chocolate rose, but that was ok and besides, he was next up anyways.

He handed the cashier, a round man with a black mustache with a beard to match, then looked down to fish out some money.

"Oi, Malfoy?" Draco heard the man grunt and looked up, confirming it was him.

The man's eyes switched from boredom to fury in an absolute second.

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