〰Chapter 22〰

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Draco sat at the Slytherin table as he waited for Harry to arrive. His eyes flicked over to the great hall doors every time they opened, only to be met with disappointment when it wasn't his roommate.

He looked back down at his book but was interrupted by a piece of crumpled up parchment being sent his way. He bit his lip and brought it down to lay on his book.

He slowly opened the crumpled note up and frowned at the words.

'Leave Harry alone! He doesn't need or want you! He deserves someone other than a Death Eater!'

'No.' Draco thought firmly, 'You won't take this from me.'


Draco nearly jumped from his seat before he realized it was the same Gryffindor occupying his thoughts.

"Harry, hi." Draco said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Harry took a seat across from the blonde, "Are you ok?"

Draco nodded, "Yeah, just exhausted from Potions, I stayed up all night studying for a test we had today." The blonde said, secretly sliding the parchment in his pocket and placed his book on top of the table.

Harry took that moment to pat the blonde's hand reassuringly before taking a hold on it, "I'm sure you did brilliantly." He said.

The blonde shot him a smile right as the food appeared.

Harry immediately started piling his plate but stopped when he realized the blonde hadn't even picked up his fork.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Harry asked, worriedly.

Draco only shook his head and smiled, "Nothing, I'm just not hungry."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and age a spoonful of mashed potatoes before looking at his roommate again, "You need to eat something."

Draco rolled his eyes, "I'm not starving myself, Harry, I'm really not hungry."

Harry huffed and surprised Draco by getting up completely. The blonde's heart stopped for a second, thinking that Harry was walking away before Harry turned to the other side of the table and slid down beside the blonde.

Harry then grabbed Draco's plate and started piling it with food.

The blonde rolled his eyes but couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face. He made the mistake of looking up only to be met with scowling faces of other students, but he was used to this.

If the students didn't like his and Harry's relationships then they could go suck a lemon. He was happy and he remembered Harry's words about him deserving that happiness.

The Gryffindor nudged him and he turned to face the boy.

"Eat." Harry demanded.

The blonde really could've just given in and followed with Harry's demand but he found himself liking this side of protectiveness and stubbornly refused.


Harry glared before taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes and shoved the utensil in front of Draco's lips.

Draco's mouth dropped from shock and Harry used that moment to spoon feed him but huffed when the blonde refused to close his lips around the spoon.

Draco sent Harry a challenging look and so Harry leaned in and whispered, "People are watching. Don't make us both look like fools, darling." Harry said, rolling out the 'R' on purpose.

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