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4 days later...
"HP put this suitcase in the car." Said Arnav.
"I thought you are not coming?" Khushi said in a confused tone.
Arnav: "I am not. I am going to Paris for fashion week remember. " he flicked your forehead.
Khushi: "ouch! what was that for?"
Arnav: "That was for wasting my time. Right we have to leave now for the airport so let us go."
"Yeah, whatever..." Khushi said with annoyance in her voice.

The entire family reached the airport and they said their goodbyes to Arnav and they split ways...

9 hours and 30 minutes later...
The entire family exits the plane and collects their luggage... Khushi then sees one of her managers waiting for her and she waves at her...
The manager: "Hello Madam how have you been?"
Khushi: "I have been well. How about you Annisa? And how are things going in the hotel?"
Annisa: "i am quite well mam. But actually the resort is earning lots of profit and is the best in Bali as you know there are a few things we have to discuss but it can wait till tomorrow. "
NK:" If you are done can we go i am dead tired."
Radhika: "NK shit up. Why are you always so childish?"
NK: "But you still fell for head over heels in love with me."
Radhika: "Didn't you hear your physics teacher say opposites attract. Idiot."
She pushed him and walk over to the huge champagne coloured range rover.
Annisa with the help of the driver packed all the suitcases in and soon left.

When they arrived at the resort Annisa handed Payash, Gaurika, RaNk their keys.
After they left Annisa walked Khushi to her small apartment near the beach.
Annisa: "Well mam get some rest i will make sure to send dinner to all your family members and also to you..."
Khushi: "Thanks Annisa." With that Annisa left and Khushi went inside.

The next morning...
Khushi woke up to a beautiful seaside view. She heard her phone beeping on the bedside table she turns over and grabs the phone looks at and sits up...
Khushi: "Hello..."
Arnav: "WHAT THE Hell! Khushi can't..."
Khushi cuts the call and goes into the bathroom...
Khushi's POV
"As soon as i wake up that laad governor gives me a headache early in the morning."
She comes out and puts on a turquoise sea-blue floral crop top with a pair of denim shorts and white sheer cardigan with soft curls cascading down her back.

"She comes out and puts on a turquoise sea-blue floral crop top with a pair of denim shorts and white sheer cardigan with soft curls cascading down her back

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Khushi leaves her room to meet the couples for breakfast...

As soon as she sits down Annisa comes running to her...
Annisa: "Mam we have a slight issue."
Khushi: "What is the issue?"
Annisa: "Well mam there is a mob of girls attacking the guests outside our hotel."
Khushi: "What! why?"
Annisa: "They are some sort of boy band or something. I am sorry mam but i really don't know the name."
Khushi: "Ok let us check this out... Uhmmmm, excuse me."
Khushi and Annisa reach outside and sees a mob of girls grabbing the boys hands and shirts to try and take selfies.
Khushi: "Excuse me...( in a polite manner) the girls turned around and looked at her and then continued whatever they were doing."
Khushi: "Excuse me what is happening here?"
Fangirl: "Can't you see BTS is here... Jimin Oppa can i have a selfie." She grabbed this Jimin guy's forearm and forcibly takes a selfie. Khushi overwatches this.
Khushi's POV...
"How can girls behave like they are possessed. Honestly... so demeaning to all the Females."
Everyone's attention was now on me.
Me: "Now that i have everyone's attention let me go through."
Fangirl: "No way are we letting you through. Who are anyways?"
I gave her a smirk and said: "Oh honey i am sure you don't want to know who i really am. Now move." I try to make my way through but everyone blocks me so i go away from there and when their focus moved from me to the boy band i sure a beacon of light poking through between two people i rush through and once i make in the mob of girls i stand in front of the boy band and say...
"Right girls everyone move back. More... more... more... at least 1metre back."
Then that same irritating girl said: "Why are you instructing us to do something it is not like you are the prime minister's daughter or the owner of this hotel. So move away from our Oppas. You are not important." They all moved forward and started to pull me away.
Wooow lady isn't she psychotic. Well, she asked for it.
Me: "Annisa call the security. "
Annisa: "i will do it now mam."
The securities: "Mam you called us."
Me: "escort the boys inside and Annisa clear the reception i will be there momentarily. "
Annisa: "Yes mam."
Me: "You can go inside i will handle this mob."
(Well I understood because Arnav is also very famous among the females. Ladies go gaga over him. So I knew how to deal with it.)
The fans: "Who are? How can you do that?"
Me: "I am sorry to burst your bubble girls but this is a resort you know where people come to relax. So my job as the owner of this hotel is to make sure that my guests are relaxing. If there is another mob outside my resorts then you will be arrested. "
Now all the fans leave.
The reception is cleared and the security is blocking all the entrance in the room.
I couldn't see their faces quite well because they all had their hoodies on with glasses and this facemask thing that covers the nose and mouth.
Me: "Hi welcome to Paradise Point resort. I apologise for the inconvenience but i did not know that a famous boy band was arriving as you can see i am on holiday but since you are here i will be available all the time if you need any kind of assistance. So can i put you all in the private section of the hotel?"
"Yeah sure. Thank you."
Me: "Annisa give the keys to me i will show them to their rooms and you get their bags to their rooms ok."
Annisa: "Yes mam."
Me: "Ok follow me."
The boy band followed me towards the private section of the resort leaving the security behind. Ok so here are your rooms you can choose which room you would like here are the keys i am leaving it on this table. I hope that your experience at the resort will be relaxing and euphoric. "

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